March 28, 2025

Enrollment Now Open for Pacific PreSchool & Kindergarten

Orientation Sessions May 10th at 10:30 a.m. and 6 p.m.

Construction is underway and enrollment is growing at Pacific PreSchool & Kindergarten, a private Early Education Program opening in San Elijo Hills in the Fall of 2012. Established in 1990, San Elijo Hills will be the school’s third campus, joining two other locations in South Orange County.

• PreSchool and Kindergarten; ages 18 months through Kindergarten

• Eight individual classrooms surrounding a large multi-purpose room, a kitchen/staff area, and two beautiful outside play areas

• Accredited by the National Academy for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), a distinction earned by only 8 percent of preschools nationwide

• Teachers have a bachelor’s degree and/or a California Department of Education teaching permit

“Pacific PreSchool and Kindergarten is focused on ‘kindergarten readiness’ — developing the physical, social, emotional, and intellectual skills children need to succeed in school,” shares owner/educator Lynda Way.

Pacific Preschool and Kindergarten is holding Orientation sessions monthly to acquaint parents to the philosophy and curriculum of the school. The next session is scheduled for May 10th.  For more information and to make a reservation email [email protected] or call 760-510-0155 or visit

You have high expectations…and so do we!  1301 Elfin Forest Road West, San Elijo Hills, CA 92078

3 thoughts on “Enrollment Now Open for Pacific PreSchool & Kindergarten

  1. We went to the orientation. It seems like it will be a great school! We really liked the director and her philosophy. HOWEVER, not so great for working parents. It’s more expensive than where we go now (which is one of the pricer ones in North County). Plus, they don’t provide lunches and they take off 5 weeks per year. Sadly, it will not work for us and we were SO hoping it would.

    1. Dear Mrs Ray,
      Thank you for your complimentary comments following your experience at our last “Orientation Session”. I just wanted to clarify the situation regarding your comment on our being “closed for five weeks”. As I mentioned that night, our schedule will follow the San Marcos School District calendar. And our pricing reflects the fact that we will be closed on the same dates. However, during the days/weeks they are closed we will be offering our “holiday schedule” to those families who need us to be open, for a nomal charge. Therefore, overall our schedule is flexible and designed to meet the needs of the families in the community… I hope this helps and please call me anytime as questions arise to see if we can accommodate your requests… Thanks, Lynda

      1. Thanks Lynda ~ Thank you for the reply. I do remember hearing that, but if I am not mistaken, it also means an additional fee for the “holiday schedule” on top of our regular tuition. At least, that is how we understood it when it was explained. Also, is the “holiday schedule” the same hours as a regular school day? We are a 5-day per week working family. We get two weeks paid vacation at our other school, as well, and on top of the lunches, it seemed so much more expensive when we added everything up.

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