March 4, 2025

Two lifeguards working for the City of San Marcos will be honored at the San Marcos City Council meeting on Tuesday, June 12 at 6 pm for their heroic efforts to rescue a young girl who nearly drowned at Woodland Pool on May 30. Lifeguard Miles Hitchcock administered CPR on the victim and was assisted in the rescue by Lifeguard Kelsey Winter. San Marcos Fire Department paramedics responded to the 9-1-1 call made by the lifeguards.

The young girl was resuscitated on the pool deck by the lifeguards before being transported by the paramedics then flown to Rady’s Children Hospital for further evaluation.

“This was a sobering reminder that a child can drown quickly and without a sound,” said San Marcos Fire Chief Todd Newman. “As we approach summer, parents should be vigilant when supervising their children at the pool or in any type of water.”

Drowning is the leading cause of death for children under the age of five, and child drowning can happen in a matter of seconds — often without any splashing or warning of trouble.

The San Marcos Community Services Aquatics Division offers the following tips for a safer water experience:

  •  Promote water safety for both children and adults. Everyone should learn to swim but, even great swimmers need constant supervision by adults.
  •  Identify risks with any body of water (bathtubs, buckets, pools, spas, lakes, rivers or oceans) and learn how to reduce those risks. For example, installing barriers such as isolation fencing around a backyard pool to reduce the risk of unauthorized access.
  •  Decide how you would act in the event of an emergency. Learning CPR as well as having a phone by the pool at all times are just a few water safety tips.

To learn more about water safety, please take a moment to visit

“My sincerest thanks to our heroic lifeguards, Miles Hitchcock and Kelsey Winter, who displayed a superior level of competency and professionalism during this event,” said Mayor Jim Desmond after learning about the event. “Without their quick response, the outcome for this young girl would have been much different. Well done!”