March 12, 2025

The City of San Marcos recently accepted the 2012 Comprehensive Planning Award, Small Jurisdiction from the American Planning Association (APA), San Diego Section for its general plan approved this year.

Betsy McCullough, a representative for APA’s San Diego Section indicated that, “the award jury only selects the best-of-the-best and San Marcos is now eligible to receive state-wide recognition.”

In receiving this honor, the APA praised the city’s general plan for its sustainability measures and public outreach efforts. After acknowledging this nomination was the project that caught the APA awards jury’s attention, the jury remarked, “they [City of San Marcos] did not reach out-they hunted down and grasped the public in each and all of the eight distinct neighborhoods of the city.”

San Marcos Planning Director Jerry Backoff said, “The award is a testament to the project and great product that came out of a long process.”

In order to receive such a distinction, a planning effort nominated must demonstrate a comprehensive plan of unusually high merit for, by, or within a jurisdiction of less than 100,000. Developed by the national APA, award selection criteria include seven components: originality, transferability, quality, implementation, comprehensiveness, public participation, and the role of planners.

The general plan is the city’s blueprint for development and growth that incorporates seven guiding themes developed by the community over two-years, more than 36 public meetings and feedback from residents, property owners and businesses.

For more information about the city’s general plan, please visit