March 3, 2025

San Elijo Hills thanks for your loyal readership over the last 6 years! We have enjoyed watching San Elijo Hills grow and change. It’s a pleasure to cover the pulse on life in The Hills.

A few stats for the last 6 years:

  • 1,793 Comments from you our readers
  • 1,269 Posts
  • Over 600,000 Hits
  • 1092 Fans of our San Elijo Life Facebook Page

We know we wouldn’t continue without the loyal support of San Elijo Life advertisers…so a big thanks to The Jonville Team, Children’s Physicians Medical Group, Pacific Preschool and Kindergarten and San Elijo Hills Development and all our San Elijo Hills Business Directory advertisers.

San Elijo Life is also looking for freelance blogger/writers to contribute relevant posts that our San Elijo Hills resident readers would enjoy. Please send us your pitch, with a sample and topics. We are not looking for advertorial pitches for your business but lifestyle, investigative reporting, news, local politics, fitness, cooking, local parenting tips etc.. Please contact us at [email protected]

San Elijo Life Social

We now have Pinterest boards we can now all share the San Elijo Hills lifestyle. Pin your SEH landscaping pictures, SEH home decorating pictures or your favorite spots in San Elijo Hills.

Are you using Instargram? our new favorite Social tool please follow us at @sanelijolife and use hash tag #sanelijohills

Remember to follow us on Twitter @sanelijolife and we would love to have you as a Facebook Fan at


We offer several advertising and sponsorship packages for businesses, services and community members. Ranging from email marketing to San Elijo Hills Business Directory listings, we have a package to fit your business needs and budget. For more information about advertising opportunities, please contact us at [email protected]


What can we do better?

Please keep your post comments, likes and tips coming!

Enjoy Life in The Hills!


2 thoughts on “San Elijo Life Turns Six!

  1. Happy Birthday San Elijo Life! We’re happy to support and contribute to your wonderful online community. We hope the residents of SEH find the information we share here helpful. Let us know how we’re doing on facebook ( or our blog (!

  2. Thanks for your 6 years of hard work to bring interesting SEH news our way!

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