February 23, 2025

Rate San Marcos city walkability with new smart phone app

As part of its mission to promote walkable communities, WalkSanDiego is scoring every city in San Diego County and has developed a new smart phone application called BestWALK to rate San Marcos’ streets.

The FREE BestWALK app allows users to select streets from a map to walk and survey; rate the safety, aesthetics and features of walking in your own neighborhood; and challenge your friends to participate. Each city then receives a score indicating what it is like to walk in the community.

According to WalkSanDiego, the San Diego region has one of the highest pedestrian fatality rates in the county, almost double the national average. Data collected through the app will contribute to a whole host of mapping projects and allow organizations to advocate future resources to improve overall walkability.

To download the BestWALK app and rate walking conditions in San Marcos, visit http://goo.gl/MEKDk.