February 23, 2025

Here is an interview with Michael Hansen who is running for San Marcos City Council. San Elijo Life has invited all candidates for Council the answer the same set of email questions.

Why should the residents in San Elijo Hills vote for you?

San Elijo Hills, and all of San Marcos, has a unique opportunity to prosper in a wounded economy. As a taxpayer advocate, I promise to protect homeowners and small business from excessive government interference. By holding true to my principles of liberty and fiscal conservatism, San Marcos residents will always know where I stand. I commit myself to being an honest and passionate voice for all residents of San Marcos.

How can you help solve school crowding issues in San Elijo Hills?

Unfortunately, there is no magic wand for this issue. School overcrowding is a problem that not only effects student’s quality of education, but also limits the positive impact teachers have on student’s lives. As classroom and student populations increase, teachers have limited ability to ensure individuals’ understanding of the curriculum. This is a challenge that falls before the entire country.

Like many school districts, San Marcos Unified faces a mountain of fiscal challenges which often burdens children’s quality of education. As a candidate for City Council, it would be dishonest of me to promise action where I have no jurisdiction. San Marcos School Board determines their own fiscal policy and direction. If elected to Council I would encourage joint meetings with the District and put pressure on issues affecting the prosperity of our City.

As a Councilmember, I would advocate policy that promotes a sound quality of life and financial security. Issues such as infrastructure, traffic congestion and inadequate parking all must be addressed and mitigated. Currently sitting on the Traffic & Safety Commission, I understand how prevalent these challenges are around schools and the impact they have on the neighborhood. I believe that these problems are not only detrimental to children’s quality of education but to San Marcos’ future.

How can the council help address aggressive cut through traffic and school traffic in San Elijo Hills?

Until serving on the Traffic & Safety Commission (TSC) for the last few years I did not understand how severe this issue was for San Elijo Hills. I can think of few people who enjoy their neighborhood being treated as a “short cut.” With the connecting of Twin Oaks Valley Rd and San Elijo Rd, there have been many concerns with the impact on comfort and safety. While I understand there is no easy answer to this problem, I will work with residents and community leaders to find viable solutions.

School traffic is an ongoing issue that makes up most of our City’s traffic problems. On the TSC I have faced several challenges regarding school traffic and problematic student “drop-off.” We need to partner with the School District and residents in finding solutions to these issues surrounding schools. As I have demonstrated in voting with San Elijo homeowners off Brightwood dr regarding student “drop-off,” I will always stand with the homeowner.

How can the city of San Marcos work with San Elijo Development to complete the San Elijo Hills Town Center?

As the economy struggles to recover, the city must look to partner with developers and business to find viable paths to success. I believe that the Council should advocate for a more attractive relationship between business and government. By examining the city’s permitting fees and requirements for fairness and feasibility we can alleviate one of business’s more controllable burdens. If San Elijo and the rest of San Marcos is to prosper, we must send a clear and positive message to those wishing to come here to create jobs.

What are your goals to improve the quality of life in San Marcos, such as events, parks, and trails?

As the council has discussed over the years, San Marcos is in need of a signature event. I would like to see the city council (with the Chamber) advocate for more city-wide events, which will not only benefit local business but help foster a stronger sense of community and identity. Parks and trails are essential to maintaining an esthetically pleasing backdrop for San Marcos and increase potential residents’ desire to move here.

Being a passionate outdoorsman, I am proud to live in a City that promotes trails and the protection of the “Ridgeline.” Like many San Marcos residents, I walk our trails and enjoy every moment of it. We are also blessed as a City to have parks that serve as a testament of our past and who we owe it to. The San Marcos All Veterans Memorial is a reminder to who we owe our freedom, and one of San Marcos’ truly “hallowed grounds.” Our Heritage Park is a reflection of our past and those who put us “on the map.”

On the Council, I would encourage and advocate for events and parks relentlessly. They are more than landmarks- they make us a community.

If elected what are the top 3 issues you would focus on for San Elijo Hills?

When elected, I will focus on residents and homeowners right to a fiscally sound budget. Poor financial decisions would not only damage our security but threaten our quality of life. I promise to stand with homeowners and residents against reckless spending and high taxes. It is for this reason that I have enthusiastically signed the “Taxpayer Promise.”

I also make a firm commitment to make real progress on issues regarding traffic. San Elijo and all of San Marcos should be known for all of our positive attributes- not defined by record traffic congestion.

Third, we need leadership that is willing to listen to the needs of residents and small business. As the economy remains sluggish, we need to find innovative ways to attract small business to San Elijo and all of San Marcos. By examining our relationship with entrepreneurs and the businesses they build, we can come up with solutions to be a partner, not a hindrance.

How will you clean up the campaign signs after election?

I plan on having my signs removed in the first 48 hours following the election. While political signs are a great way to grab people’s attention and generate political interest, they are often an eyesore to many.