March 12, 2025

What do you think of this piece by UT & North County Time columnist Kirk W. Effinger. Kirk is also an active member of  The San Marcos Chamber of Commerce. 


This is a tale of two cities. The irony is they are both within the boundaries of one — the city of San Marcos.

I have long lamented the disconnect that many who live in the development known as San Elijo Hills seem to feel with San Marcos, the city in which their master-planned village resides. Read More via A TALE OF TWO CITIES |


14 thoughts on “A TALE OF TWO CITIES |

  1. SEH feels more like Carlsbad La costa Oaks than San Marcos…
    It is an upscale area of San Marcos.

  2. I think he’s being awfully judge mental. While we do have a certain pride about our community I have no problem going “over the hill” if what I want is over there. There isn’t a Target that way and usually that determines where I will be doing my errands for the day (whether or not I need to shop at Target). I love living in San Marcos but I sure wish he had focused more on bringing us closer together rather than choosing to take such a divisive attitude.

  3. Leaving in SEH is almost living in Carlsbad La Costa oaks .
    Why would someone go to San Marcos, when you can enjoy the amenities of Carlsbad, Encinitas ( much nicer neighborhood )?

  4. As an Opinion Columnist for a newspaper, Mr. Effinger’s job is to “stir the pot” and get people talking. The point of his opinion that I adamantly disagree with is the inference that Lowe’s will be shutting down because SEH folks did not shop there. C’mon! Distance and convenience influence which shops, services SEH uses.

  5. Would the commute to the 5 have anything to do with it? That’s nearly 10 more opportunities to shop in Encinitas than San Marcos. Clean up the 78 & more might take the 15 South. Also, don’t new homes need less improvements? Sorry to here about Lowes, I did buy light bulbs there. We go out of way to shop in San Marcos & frequent the new Las Posas Mall which is always busy. Maybe SEH residents are also to blame for the Home Expo closing in Encinitas? It’s a SEH conspiracy!

  6. If they wanted to bring SEH residents to shop in the Lowes area, they should have put a Target there…
    Putting a new Lowes across the street form a Home depot, that’s was a pretty bad call and poor planning.
    Putting the blame of Lowe’s closing on SEH residents: very lame!
    SEH residents shop mainly at Target, Sprouts, TJ, Costco: none of them have been built in San Marcos close to SEH.

  7. What creates more property value, associating with a world-class city like Carlsbad/La Costa or the Mexican and crime infested reputation of San Marcos/Vista, regardless of it being a ‘college town’. Maybe San Marcos should hire Disney to master-plan the future of the city instead of whining about real leaders and entrepreneurs not wanting to associate with their incompetence and trailer-park standards.

    1. I kind of agree with Darryl. Sometimes I don’t tell people we are technically San Marcos. I say “the La Costa area”. Sad but true.

    2. Darryl is a racist a**hole. Sadly, there are ignorant “throwbacks” that drag down every community. Let’s all hope Darryl finds a nice Aryan neighborhood to move to. Maybe he can marry his sister.

  8. Darryl Irwin’s comment is probably the most ill-informed, judgmental, elitist I have read in this string. “Mexican and crime infested”? Besides displaying a racist attitude, his comments ignore the fact that San Marcos is one of the best-policed, safest cities in the county. “Trailer-park standards”? Those standards are what created San Elijo Hills, not to mention award-winning Specific Area Plans for the Creek District, and the University District. The city has also recently received awards for its General Plan Update. What else? Oh yeah, unlike most of the cities in San Diego County San Marcos not only maintained a balanced budget during the Great Recession, it maintained a budget reserve nearly equal to one year’s operating budget. Maybe that’s not “world class” enough for some of you but it should account for something.

  9. If you read my column carefully, I wsan’t placing blame on San Elijo Hills residents solely for Lowe’s demise. In fact I’m not blaming residents at all, directly. As I pointed out, through a combination of factors, some avoidable, some not, SEH residents were left with little choice when establishing shopping patterns in the early years of development. As for why Lowe’s and not Target or some of the other stores mentioned, I know for a fact it wasm
    n’t for lack of trying on the city’s part. These companies make their own decisions on where to locate and why. Of course there is a Costco in San Marcos already, and they aren’t about to build another in the city.

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