February 23, 2025

Live Blogging Attendance Boundaries Meeting for San Elijo Hills


IB program will not be scheduled at this time for new K-8

This a Project based program. You can look on district website for further information about the IB Program.

Multi Track schedule? Could lessen traffic?
When you go year round you are running 4 separate schools in one. Not really an option that is being seriously considered .

Could K-8 be a charter school? This could be an option.

Some kids will be moved around a lot due to change. This is being considered and will be addressed for further discussion.

A suggestion was made for a new middle school to be built in near Carrillo and La Costa Meadows.
This will also be forwarded.

Parents were asked to write their comments or questions on cards here at the meeting that they would like to be forwarded to the district committee and then to the district board.

Click Here for  link to San Marcos School District Presentation


4 thoughts on “Live Blogging Attendance Boundaries Meeting for San Elijo Hills ! Now

  1. The families of Old Creek Ranch have already been moved in the last 5 years. To move them again seems unfair to the community.

    1. I was very surprised to see that OCR families will again have to experience change. I’m wondering if this neighborhood will ever have consistency within the SMUSD boundaries.

  2. One of the suggestions not mentioned was to reformat the schools to be k-3, 4-6 & 7&8. Also mentioned was is there another location that a middle school can be put to incorporate the west area of SM not just LCM & RC

  3. SEH homes within the k8 school area should see a significant drop in value.

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