March 31, 2025

Good evening San Elijo Community,

As many of you know, the District Attendance Area Committee met last night to finalize their recommendation for the San Marcos Unified Attendance Areas which are scheduled to be implemented for the 2015-2016 school year. At the meeting last night, the committee was presented with a revised plan that included many recommended changes from the initial proposal. Additionally, the committee made further recommended changes to the map. The District Office is currently revising these maps as the final recommendation to the San Marcos School Board. These recommendations are pending until the San Marcos Unified School Board meeting scheduled for June 10th.

Unfortunately, we are waiting for these maps to be revised at the District Level. Once they are revised they will be available electronically through the district website. We will keep you informed when this occurs.

At the request of the San Elijo Representatives on this committee, District Representatives will be holding an informational meeting prior to the June 10th San Marcos School Board Meeting. This meeting has not been scheduled at this time, but the community will be notified of this special meeting for San Elijo Residents.

The committee has shared the concerns that have been expressed in emails and at the SEES meeting last week.

We appreciate your patience and respectful actions as we wait for these upcoming meetings. I look forward to seeing many of you at Open House tomorrow night.

Carolyn Kalicki
San Elijo Elementary

4 thoughts on “Attendance Area Update for San Elijo Community from Carolyn Kalicki

  1. A couple things to ponder deeply-All of North County is suffering from school crowding,

    So other districts are not willing to share the burden.Maybe we should be thankful SM school district and state will spend money on building a new school? SEH Students could be sent to other schools in the district that have space vs. building new school.

    We all need to look under the hood on this one. It’s more complex than we all think.

    A new school will have the latest bells and whistles, great staff and a lot of positives. Think about SEES when it was getting started.

    What if San Marcos school district can’t come to terms on that location? This is the 2nd location that they have looked at and still no ground breaking. Land is scarce, the market is heating up. The City of San Marcos & the SEH development need to be involved. I’m sure $$$ is a big issue.

    The Developers & Builders in North County have some obligation and responsibility including our own SEH developer. Remember builders say anything in the sales office.

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