March 29, 2025


Question and answer session

A resident expressed her concerned that K-8 will be sent to Mission High School.

The board is looking at numbers only. Didn’t really answer question.

A resident stated- there is a sense of community. We buy into the experience. He feels the community will be divided.

A resident stated- how is the proposed site being built furthest away from the other elementary school and this will be their only middle school?
Response- looked at population, where the growth is and where it will be developing new homes. Bottom line is land availability..

A resident stated- I do believe you have the kids best interest in mind. Just like us.

I think we just don’t agree to how we get there. Asking where do you get your money?

The board stated – KB comes from developer fees. This school San Elijo Middle funding is from state funding, state bonds, RDA taxes revenues. No federal funding provided for this school.