March 29, 2025


Question and answer time

– the statement made by the board – the proposal

Why are you dividing the community? Why would I have to go out of community because my house is newer than others? (The crowd clapped, yelled with cheers) The board tried to answer but crowd was interrupting. He is still trying to answer question. The board tried to explain that the community was represented by the district committee, San Elijo Elementary as the communities advocate. The board is listening to the communities concerns, they can’t please everyone.

Statement by resident- not to select boundaries until a site is selected by the district. We are afraid of the unknown.

Statement by resident -.they bought into the pathway of the school. Why did the district shift in the boundaries just last week? The board said it was a unanimous vote on district committee, based the feedback from community and and the other logic used from prior evaluations.

1 thought on “Live Blogging San Elijo Hills Attendance Area Meeting

  1. They absolutely DID NOT answer the question as to why the boundary shifted so quickly from one side of San Elijo Rd to the other. Hopefully they see that we are making the same arguments the previously affected community did and the shift DID NOT accomplish anything.

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