March 26, 2025


Some of the members of the board here to answer questions are:

District Human Resources
District Facilities
District People Services
District for school ciriculum
Staff from San Elijo elementary
Staff from San Elijo middle

District committee- reviewed current enrollment in district, developed guiding principles for reviewing proximity , safety, diversity, reviewed demographics .

Reviewed proposals, goal was to come up with a consensus . Realigned maps several times to find an appropriate proposal.

Gary Hamils- is speaking now

History of district – state agency. We report to state . They set rules and goals. Use to be Richmond school district and our high school use to be Escondido high school.

Unified in 1976 to be the San Marcos school district. Made up of the following cities.
Original boundaries – San Marcos, Vista, Carlsbad, Escondido ,


San Elijo elementary k-5 and discovery
San Elijo middle
San Marcos high school

Original design to have 3 schools – the Belmont area was suppose to be the third school.

At the time the cost for that school was 15 million to buy. School district did not have the money to pay for that property. Therefore they had to give up the space.

4 thoughts on “San Elijo Hills attendance area meeting

  1. So appreciative of you doing this! Especially for those of us who couldn’t make it. My hubby is there but he’s not feeding me live info!

    1. Thanks we are doing our best to share details and help share information.

  2. You are doing great! I love all the commentary epsecially the part about the parents speaking out of turn. Makes me feel like I’m there.

  3. Thank you so much for being there. I just found out about this. Please share this information.

    I called the district 4 times over the course of the last year before we decided to buy in Bella Vista. I specifically asked about Bella Vista and was told that they were FOR SURE slated for this school.

    We are suppose to move in a month. Now our $800,000 home could be worth a lot less because it isn’t the same school district we bought in. This isn’t right!

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