March 19, 2025

San Elijo Hills

Following is a list of important announcements and upcoming events for San Elijo Hills Association:

2013 San Elijo Hills Association Annual Meeting & Election

Our annual meeting and election is around the corner. Ballots were mailed to community members recently. Please take a moment to return the ballot as directed≈we need your ballot to help meet quorum requirements!

We also have open Neighborhood Representative positions for the following neighborhoods:

Altaire, Atherton, Azure, Carmel, Luminara, Mariner’s Landing, Meridian, Palisades, Sagewood, Terraza and Terraza West.

If you are interested in serving your community in a Neighborhood Representative position or if you have any questions please contact Jean Salvia, Community Association Manager, at [email protected]

San Elijo Turkey Classic: Saturday, November 30th

Fooooooore! A small golf tournament that began among neighbors in 2002 continues to grow and will be back this year! The Turkey Classic will be held on the Saturday after Thanksgiving (November 30th). All registration fees will go towards paying for your round of golf, as well as your family’s meal at the after party. Anything that is leftover will go into the coffers of the San Elijo Hills Foundation, which then goes toward community enhancements. This year, there will not likely be anything leftover (unless of course someone reading this would like to step up and take advantage of some fun sponsorship opportunities), but in the future, there are lots of opportunities to turn this neighborhood tradition into something that directly benefits the community.

Not a golfer? No problem. The wonderful thing about the Turkey Classic is that there is no pressure to be the best golfer. In fact, to this day, the worst golfer goes home with the biggest prize. Both men and women have competed for the coveted jacket.

You never know what’s going to happen at the Turkey Classic. The one thing you do know is that it will be fun! Believe us, whether you’ve participated in the past or never even heard of it┘you really won’t want to miss the Turkey Classic 2013.

Registration is limited, so if you’re going to be in town Thanksgiving weekend (and yes, bring your relatives!), then reserve your spot for what will be the beginning of a whole new era for this neighborhood tradition. For more information on this event and to register, visit Hope to see you there!