March 31, 2025

Following is a list of important announcements and upcoming events from The San Elijo Hills Association:
BunnyPalooza: Saturday, April 12th

Spring is in the air and a very special Bunny is hopping over to San Elijo Hills! Come join us for our annual BunnyPalooza event on Saturday, April 12th from 9:00AM-11:00AM at Hilltop Field in San Elijo Park. There will be an egg hunt, craft stations, jump houses, face painting, photo ops with the Bunny, light refreshments, and more!

We will have the Egg Hunt for the different age groups at the following times:

Ages 1-2: 10:00AM
Ages 3-4: 10:15AM
Ages 5-6: 10:30AM
Ages 7-10: 10:45AM

Don’t forget to bring your own basket to collect your eggs and a camera to take pictures with the Bunny! Hope to see you there! Please feel free to contact [email protected] with any questions.

7th Annual All-American Country Fair: Saturday, April 26th

Come out and support your local San Elijo Elementary school on Saturday, April 26th for the 7th Annual SEES All-American Country Fair. The Country Fair is coordinated by the school’s PTO with the help of community volunteers and sponsors.  It is always a hit with SEH residents for all ages! The Fair will be held on the school grounds from 10:00AM to 4:00PM.  The admission is FREE and you may buy tickets for the food, drinks and games.

Attendees will enjoy the petting zoo, hand-led pony rides, double the traditional fair foods and treats, and double the international food trucks, carnival rides including something new this year: the Trampoline Bungee Jump and The Land Zorb Balls.  (The Human Hamster Balls)  Attendees will also have fun at the carnival games with prizes, jumpy slides, train for all ages to ride along Route 66, a “Giant Sock Monkey” Prize Walk, arts and crafts and much much more!  There will be a Silent Auction with hundreds of items to bid on and enjoy.

Be sure to stop by the Stage, and catch the entertainment from some of the local Rising Stars in the community before they head off to Hollywood! Last, but not least, you definitely do not want to miss the Hoe Down Throw Down. Come catch a glimpse of their very own SEES teachers as they serenade all of us with Karaoke tunes selected by you!  For even more fun you can join in with them and sing to your heart’s content!!

Don’t miss this fun worthwhile exciting event! All the proceeds from this day will go directly to the school to help fund their educational programs for the SEES students.

If you are interested in Volunteering your time for this great event, you may arrive on the day of the fair or sign up by contacting Nadia Ardebili-Soerries at [email protected]. If you are interested in Sponsorship Opportunities please contact Tina Heap at [email protected]you are interested in Donating goods and services through their Silent Auction, please contact Carre Provance at [email protected].

For more information on this event, please email [email protected].

HOA Board Meeting

The next Board of Directors meeting will be on Tuesday, April 29th at 6:00PM  in the multipurpose room of San Elijo Hills Elementary School. All homeowners are welcome to attend.

San Elijo Hills Foundation

The San Elijo Hills Foundation is a California public nonprofit organization created to support and enhance projects that improve the quality of community life within San Elijo Hills. Some past projects include the Sidewalk Saturday event, Turkey Classic Golf Tournament and facilitating the coordination of the shade structure in San Elijo Park.

Amazon Smile is a program that can help you donate to the Foundation easily!
It will donate .05% of sales price for each order placed when the San Elijo Hills Foundation is named as the charity of choice. Simply enter Amazon through the website address at It will then prompt you to choose the nonprofit you would like to donate to (select San Elijo Hills Foundation). Once the charity is selected you can proceed to shop. If you are going to be shopping on Amazon anyway then you might as well help the Foundation at the same time!