March 14, 2025

Chase Bank in San Elijo Hills was robbed around 3:00 pm today (5.8.14).

A quick response by San Marco Sheriff by air and ground found suspect around 4:15 pm. in rugged terrain near the old dump and creek, south of San Elijo Hills. The suspect was positively id’d by bank employees.

Lockdown at San Elijo Elementary and San Elijo Middle was lifted around 4:30 pm.

Chase Bank in San Elijo Hills

3 thoughts on “Chase Bank in San Elijo Hills Robbed

  1. Glad they got him! Those bank employees are the sweetest and most welcoming ever! I hope they recover from this!

  2. I live right above the creek they found him in. I saw the officers and K-9 unit go down into the canyon. Helicopter above warning the suspect of K-9 bites if he did not come out with his hands up and surrender. Minutes later, after some chainsawing through terrain and apparent barb wire they went through, I heard a dog barking and then, “PUT YOUR (EXPLICIT) HANDS IN THE AIR!” and some other choice commentary. They were caught in the moment, I’m sure. Followed shortly by, “WOOOO! GOOD BOY! GOOD BOY! YEAH!!!” It was their “first robbery” suspect in custody scenario.

    From conversation, this guy apparently had binoculars set up at a camp down there, and a large knife besides his sleeping bag. He had set up some traps. It was difficult to hear their conversation from up the canyon but it was a pretty interesting scene to overhear take place. I did not hear the suspect. I believe he was hiding in a sleeping bag? Would be interesting to hear the Officer’s recollection of it. Sounds like they believe the suspect had planned this for some time.

    Good job to the Sheriff Department and the Officers on seen. Also thank you to the K-9 units that played a huge part in this.

  3. I was in the bank just a few minutes prior to this happening! And YES, those employees are the most incredible and courteous I’ve ever encountered! I hope that wonderful sweet teller I spoke to is ok!

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