March 12, 2025


Lights, Cameras, Action! Vallecitos Water District announces its first ever “A Week Without Water” 2014 video contest           

San Marcos, CA – In an effort to increase public awareness and education, the Vallecitos Water District is looking for video submissions for its new video competition for junior high and high school student filmmakers called “A Week Without Water.”

Students are encouraged to create videos, 30 seconds to 2 minutes in length that illustrate how a week without water would affect homes, businesses, farms, pet owners, and families, and what actions individuals can take to conserve. The winning video will promote awareness of behavioral changes that can take place to increase water efficiency and conservation. This is your chance to help the District communicate the value of water and help spark change in the community.

Judges will score videos based on overall impact, message strength, originality, artistic merit, and technical execution.

Winners will receive cash awards, and their videos may be aired on local cable TV and posted on the District’s website. Prizes are as follows: First place, $500; second place, $300; third place, $150.  Cash prizes will be given to individual or group submissions.

Entries must be received by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, November 24, 2014. For more information and complete contest rules, visit