March 31, 2025

Here is a Video of the aftermath of a traffic accident in November 2014 at the Corner of San Elijo Road and Elfin Forest Road in the San Elijo Hills Town Center.

Congestion, speeding, and safety have become a growing issue in San Elijo Hills.

2 thoughts on “Video from November San Elijo Hills Town Center Traffic Accident

  1. I think we need to go back to stop signs in the Village. Only thing that is going to slow down these people. I am willing to be inconvenienced. One cannot spend 5 minutes standing in the Village area and not see someone doing double the speed limit. Its ridiculous and most of us have children who are in constant danger. Will it take a death to wake up the masses and get something done??

    1. Rich I completely agree with you. The fact that people speed through town at over 40 mph is an accident, or fatality, waiting to happen. There seems to be a bit more police presence(radar)coming into San Elijo from RSF Rd but not enough within the square.

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