The Double Peak School will begin in August of 2015
You should be receiving a letter in the mail from Dr. Holt in the next two days, here is the letter on the SMUSD and Double Peak School website.
Dear San Marcos Families,
Based on our collaborative and well-attended community meeting on Wednesday, February 11th, as well as additional feedback since that meeting, I am pleased to announce that the Double Peak School site will open as a K-6 in January 2016. I truly believe that this decision satisfies both the boundary and intra-district transfer families’ interests.
Starting in August 2015, Double Peak students presently attending both Discovery and San Elijo Elementary schools will start the year at those sites with their Double Peak teachers. When the new school site is completed in January, they will transition, as a continuing class, to their new school following the winter break. In April 2015, we will identify intra-district transfer students for grades K-5. The majority of K-5 transfers will remain at their home school until the Double Peak facility opens in January 2016.
All 6th grade students, both boundary and approved intra-district transfers will be clustered into their Double Peak classes and hosted on the San Elijo Middle School site until the transition to the new school site in January.
In the next few weeks, Principal Baum will provide greater detail on class configuration during the transition period between August and January. He will also continue to hold morning coffee chats and after school sessions to promote strong connections within the community, as well as to address parental questions. Thus far, his commendable efforts have ensured a growing level of excitement, anticipation, collaboration and support. I look forward to the opportunities that Double Peak School will provide for our community.
Kevin D Holt, Ed.D.