March 12, 2025


Since its inception in 1988, the San Marcos Community Foundation has granted more than $1 million to programs and projects that help improve the quality of life for San Marcos residents. Last year, the Foundation awarded $62,860 to community organizations. In the first quarter of this fiscal year, the Foundation recently awarded $11,452 to various recipients.
Meals-On-Wheels received a $1,500 grant to purchase food and disposable packaging for meals delivered to homebound seniors living in San Marcos.

Solutions for Change was awarded $1,500 to help fund their Child Development Specialist who will plan field trips, coordinate childcare, and provide a supportive environment for children from birth through age 18.
Casa de Amparo received a $5,000 grant to support their residential services program that works to improve the quality of life for children and teens who have been removed from their homes due to child abuse or neglect.
And finally, North County Health Services was awarded $3,452 to replace an aging vaccine refrigerator at its San Marcos pediatrics office.

The San Marcos Community Foundation awards its regular endowment grants of up to $10,000 on a quarterly basis, with application deadlines on the first Wednesday of January, April, July and October. Mini-grants of up to $1,500 are awarded monthly with application deadlines on the first Wednesday of each month. All grants must benefit the San Marcos community. Funds are only granted to charitable organizations with current 501(c)3 status.