March 5, 2025

San Elijo Hills Trails

City of San Marcos Fall Hikes 2015

Saturday September 5th
San Elijo Hills Park OLD CREEK RANCH, CANYON TRAIL CARLSBAD TRAILS CONNECTION 9 am to Noon (sign in at 8:30) Hike the trails north and west of San Elijo Park including Old Creek Ranch and Canyon Trails. The 4 mile hike is rated moderately difficult. A challenging, 7+ mile hike with fast and slower groups will also be offered to the trails that connect to Denk Mountain and the Carlsbad trails system. Meeting location: San Elijo Hills Park/Recreation Center, 1105 Elfin Forest Rd., San Marcos
33 05.998 N 117 12.125 W

Saturday October 3rd
Las Posas Park, 2nd San Diego Aqueduct, Blue Bird Cyn., Lake Wohlford Flume
9 am to Noon (sign-in at 8:30) 7.0 miles 580’ of elevation gain
This hike will explore the 2nd San Diego Aqueduct north from Las Posas Road to Buena Creek Road and then head east along the Lake Wohlford Flume that transports water from Lake Wohlford to the Pechstein Resevoir at Blue Bird Canyon Road.
Meeting location: Cerro de Las Posas Park, 1387 West Borden Road, San Marcos
33 09.639 N 117 11.199 W

Saturday November 7th Ridgeline Trailhead to Antennas
9am to Noon (sign in at 8:30am)
This moderately difficult, 7.6 mile hike will explore the Cerro de Las Posas ridgeline trails with overlooks of Lake San Marcos, the Valley of Discovery and the Pacific Ocean. There will be steep climbs with an elevation gain of 1390 feet.
Meeting location: Ridgeline Trailhead Parking Lot, 102 San Elijo Road San Marcos
33 06.454 N 117 09.969 W

Saturday December 5th Leo Carrillo Ranch
9am to Noon (sign in at 8:30am) This 4-mile hike will explore the trails of the Rancho Dorado/Rancho Carrillo area and visit Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Park. A more challenging 5 mile hike with an elevation gain of 350’ (uphill to Simmons Family Park) will be offered.

Meeting location Carrillo Elementary School (parking lot near the trailhead), 2875 Poinsettia Lane, Carlsbad, 92009. 33 07.180 N 117 14.445 W