March 31, 2025

Event Flier SanElijoElem 0912&09132015

Green Hat Electronics will be holding a community electronics recycling and paper shredding event located in the San Elijo Hills Albertsons parking lot on September 12th & 13th from 10 am – 4 pm. Electronics recycling is free with the exception of large appliances.

Paper shredding is $5.00 per file box and 100% of the paper is shred ON SITE at the end of the event starting at 4:00 pm both days. Paper and Electronics will be collected through out the event hours. Paper will be stored in 64 gallon bins until the shred truck arrives at 4:00 pm to shred all the paper on-site.

Call Jennifer Zouvas at (760) 803-0097 for more information. Visit our website at This event supports the San Elijo Hills Elementary and Middle Schools!

Items we cannot accept: alkaline batteries, light bulbs and smoke detectors