March 4, 2025


City’s brown front lawn to transform into water-wise landscaping

The extra water-saving mile, the City of San Marcos will transform the brown Civic Center front lawn along San Marcos Boulevard into a water-wise landscape.

Instead of intensive, high maintenance ornamental turf, residents will see a native mow free grass surrounded by an oval-shaped border of octopus agave, yellow blanket flowers and blue chalk sticks. Higher efficiency irrigation technology with drip emitters and high-efficiency spray nozzles will also be put in place.

“Knowing that we are facing an unprecedented drought, this project is helping the city be good stewards of all our water resources,” said Communications Officer Sarah Macdonald.

By transforming the landscaped area, the city expects to reduce water use by more than 50 percent while trimming down on landscape maintenance costs for fertilizers, weed control and labor.

The $400,000 project, paid for in part by funding from the Water Security, Clean Drinking Water, Coastal and Beach Protection Act, will reduce water use and minimize run-off into the streets while creating a sustainable space for City Hall visitors.

The proposed project will be reviewed for approval during the regularly scheduled City Council meeting on Tuesday, September 22, 2015 at 6 pm. If the designs are approved, crews will begin work in November.

To learn more about the city’s water-saving efforts, visit

1 thought on “The City of San Marcos’s brown front lawn to transform into water-wise landscaping

  1. They’ve spent $400,000 on that front lawn, great!
    They should also spend a few bucks on the horrible dirt lot in the middle of San Elijo town center that is there for the last 13 years!

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