March 4, 2025

An important fundraiser is taking place this fall (Sunday, October 25) at the Elfin Forest Recreational Reserve. The “Keeping’ it Rural 5K/10K hike and trail run will take place in the upper part of the reserve (with the blessing of OMWD, TECC, EFHG Fire and RSF Fire). It is the first of many fundraising efforts we will be embarking on in order to put up a good fight against things that threaten the rural environment we cherish. I’ve included the details of the event below:

Here’s where we would love to have community support:

a) REGISTER FOR THE EVENT: we want as many residents of the Harmony Grove, Elfin Forest, Eden Valley and surrounding communities (and their families) to participate in either the 5K hike/run or the 10K run. It will be early in the morning so hopefully pretty cool and quite scenic. So click HERE to sign up for the event (or copy and paste this into your browser:

b) VOLUNTEER TO HELP: we ALSO need about 20-25 volunteers (water, registration, timing, direction, bag stuffing and other areas). Please let us know if you are willing and able to help. Anyone with EMT or CPR or first aid background would be appreciated as well.

c) SPONSORSHIP SOLICITATION: if you know of any companies that would like to be associated with the “Keepin’ it Rural” event, please reach out to them and see if you can get donations of cash, items, services. Sponsorships are crucial to making these events able to raise more funds than the entry fees.

Here are the pertinent details:

SCHEDULE: Registration starts: 6:45am | 10k Race Kickoff: 7:45am | 5K Race Kickoff: 8am

5K PRICING: $40 early bird (before 9/25) | $50 regular | $60 day of event. Includes finisher t-shirt and medal.

10K PRICING: $55 early bird | $75 regular | $85 day of
Includes finisher t-shirts as well as age group awards and prizes (SPY sunglasses for age group winners)

FAMILY FRIENDLY: 1K kids fun run, free with adult admission | Bouncy House and/or other kid friendly events.

EXPO/ RACE START: Staging area by the dam on Via Ambiente @ Harmony Grove Road | Beer Garden, expo, product giveaways, raffles and much more

Registration link:

Thanks for helping to keep it rural.

JP Theberge and Dave Stainton, Event Co-Directors
and Board Members of the EFHG Town Council