March 5, 2025


Did you know that Christmas tree cause approximately 200 fires annually that result in deaths, injuries and millions of dollars in property damage?

EDCO residential customers can place trees curbside in their greenwaste container on the regular collection day between Saturday, Dec. 26 and Friday, Jan. 8 s at no extra charge. If the tree is more than 4-feet tall, it should be cut in half before placing it in the container.

A tree drop-off site will also be available during the same period at the San Marcos Senior Center, 111 Richmar Road. Trees do not have to be cut down if dropped off at this location.

As the holidays wrap-up remember to keep the green in San Marcos. With family get-togethers, parties, gift exchanges and holiday decorations, Americans produce approximately 25% more waste between Thanksgiving and New Years Day. Keep the season less wasteful by using fewer disposable items and be diligent about disposing recyclable cans, bottles, gift-wrap, greeting cards and gift boxes in your blue recycling cart.

For more information about tree and holiday recycling, call EDCO at (760) 744-2700.

2 thoughts on “Christmas tree and holiday recycling EDCO to offer free tree disposal Dec. 26 to Jan 8

  1. For Christmas tree recycling information in the County of
    San Diego, visit or call 1-877-R1-EARTH (1-877-713-2784), the County of San Diego’s Recycling and Household Hazardous Waste Hotline.

  2. Where do you leave tree for recycling in a condo. No way to drop off at senior center

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