January 31, 2025
Beginning Wednesday, Jan. 27, crews will continue work to plant water-wise landscaping surrounding the city’s Civic Center located along San Marcos Boulevard to set the water-saving example.

While newly planted varieties may look like grass from the past, the new “Native Move Free Sod” to be planted requires 50 percent less water than a traditional lawn and only needs mowing eight times per year.

“Knowing that California still faces unprecedented drought conditions, this project is helping the city be good stewards of all our water resources,” said Public Works Director Mike Edwards.

Landscape designs approved by the San Marcos City Council call for a large area of native mow free grass surrounded by an oval-shaped border of meadow grasses, a variety of succulents and yellow blanket flowers instead of intensive, high maintenance ornamental turf. Decomposed granite will border the meadow areas.

Irrigated with well water, higher efficiency irrigation technology with drip emitters and high-efficiency spray nozzles will also be put in place.

By transforming the landscaped area, the city not only expects to reduce water use by more than 50 percent but will also trim down on landscape maintenance costs for fertilizers, weed control and labor.

The $400,000 project, paid for in part by funding from the Water Security, Clean Drinking Water, Coastal and Beach Protection Act, will reduce water use and minimize run-off into the streets while creating a sustainable space for City Hall visitors.

For more information, contact Communications Officer Sarah Macdonald at The City of San Marcos.