March 31, 2025



The 2016 fall edition of the San Marcos 360 Magazine is now available to San Marcos residents. Featuring articles on city events, economic development efforts, budget updates, fire prevention information and more, the free magazine serves to connect residents to their government.

San Marcos 360 is published three times per year by the city and includes timely news about the city along with a complete guide to the city’s parks and recreation offerings.

Residents and visitors can also discover exciting recreational activities, special events, day camps, enrichment programs and classes, sporting leagues, and senior programs.

In addition to the city’s newsletter, be sure to stay connected and engaged through The city’s social media platforms by finding us @sanmarcoscity on FacebookTwitter and Instagram. Tag your posts with the handle #DiscoverSanMarcos to help others learn about our great community.

For more information or to view the publication online, visit