March 4, 2025


Here is an interview with Matt Stack who is running for San Marcos City Council. San Elijo Life has invited all candidates for Council the answer the same set of email questions

Why should the residents in San Elijo Hills vote for you?

For starters, I lived in San Elijo in 2010 right before my wife and I were married so I know what a peaceful, beautiful community it is.  I believe the residents of San Elijo Hills want a Council Member who’s passionate about their home and their role as a servant to the public.  And that’s what they will get.

Please describe your stance on future development in San Marcos? 

This is one of, if not the most important issues I hear from voters.  Almost every home I’ve knocked on and talked with about our community, the #1 concern they have is the growth and development.  They’re worried about the traffic and the continued growth.  By no means am I anti-growth, but my stance on future development is that it has to be in line with what the residents of San Marcos want.  I believe there is healthy growth (which is paramount), but there is also growth that leads to challenges later down the road.  We shouldn’t have schools that are overcrowded along with our streets.  A couple weeks ago when a consulting firm recommended that we change the current Creekside District project I felt that was a step in the right direction.  Every person wants to live in a peaceful, thriving community.  But we want to make sure that our community can handle the growth that we’re projecting and planning.

How can you help solve school crowding issues in San Elijo Hills?

We’re already seeing it with our schools at capacity.  You know, a resident of San Marcos put it best the other day in her letter to the Editor and to summarize it, we have so much growth of housing and businesses but the schools can’t catch up (with funding and time).  We have a funnel of elementary schools moving into a lesser amount of middle schools and they are moving into an even lesser amount of high schools.  The real solution is to provide the matching amount of educational facilities to coincide with the growth of housing.  It’s not the prettiest answer, but it’s the truth.  If we’re seeing schools at capacity and more housing planned, then we need to re-address the projects to make certain that we can provide, but also provide with excellence.  We have a solid Planning Commission and School District and need to work with developers to certify that the needs are met.  In addition, we have to work with our outer lying cities that overlap within our district to plan in conjunction with them.

How can the council help address commuter traffic and school traffic in San Elijo Hills?

We also have a great City Manager and I know that he is currently in planning with our Sheriff’s Captain to come up with a solution to the commuter traffic.  A big concern is Double Peak with children crossing and I’m confident they’ll have a solution expedited for approval.

How can the city of San Marcos work with San Elijo Hills Development to complete the San Elijo Hills Town Center?

I believe in holding agreements accountable.  The way to completing the Town Center is ensuring both sides (the city and developers) are meeting deadlines, staying within budget and that the developers are paid when they’re supposed to be paid.  We have to hold everyone accountable.

What are your goals to improve the quality of life in San Marcos, such as events, parks, and trails?

I always want to improve the quality of life in San Marcos with events, parks and trails.  But I like to think of myself as an advocate for the residents in regards to what they want rather than my own agenda.  A healthy tree doesn’t struggle to produce fruit.  It just does.  I mean to keep our city’s growth healthy by having the residents know that they can trust their voice with me.  If they want a park, or an event or a trail (or don’t), then as their representative I will figure out a way to do what’s best for the community and make it happen.

If elected what are the top 3 issues you would focus on for San Marcos?

Safety is always the most important and ensuring our Police and Fire Department have the resources they need.  I have my wife Jen and our 9 month old son Callan and their safety along with the safety of every resident in San Marcos I take personally.  When I see break-ins and lawlessness, I guess the Marine in me comes out and I just want to do whatever’s necessary to have peace in our community.  The next issue would be managing our growth and development to ensure healthy growth and limit overcrowding and traffic.  It’s the #1 issue I hear people talk about.  The third would be fiscal responsibility and excellence with our budget.  San Marcos has an excellent budget and we want to advocate for long term health.  I don’t want to affect just what will happen in my term.  I want the next 20-30 years of our residents set up for success.

How will you clean up the campaign signs after election?

I’ll personally do it along with my team the 2 days following the election.  If for some reason we’ve missed any, they can send us a message on or send an email to [email protected] and we’ll get on it immediately.  It’s my home and I want it to stay beautiful too.  I’m passionate about this city so please let us know if we’ve missed any.

Editors Note:

We have invited all 2016 City of San Marcos City Council Candidates to answer the same questions. 

1 thought on “San Elijo Life Interview with Matt Stack Candidate for San Marcos City Council

  1. “we have so much growth of housing but the schools can’t catch up…”
    that is exactly what city planning is about: Making sure that when the city agrees to deliver permits to build more homes or businesses we have also adequate schools and roads.
    Unfortunately it looks like the city of San Marcos is building more and more houses and businesses without planning for roads and schools.
    This is ridiculous!

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