March 30, 2025

Please see below for the most recent San Elijo Hills Community Association HOA Updates:

Mardi Gray 2017

The San Elijo Hills Community Association would like to cordially invite our residents 21 and over to our Mardi Gras Party at Café Stoked! The event will be held on Friday, February 10th at 6:00 PM.

Residents will be delighted with delicious food, music, dancing and contests in the true spirit of New Orleans!

Attendance to this event is limited! Cost is $5.00/person. You must provide a check (no cash) payable to San Elijo Hills to Liz McCardle in the San Elijo Hills Onsite Office in order to reserve your spot! All reservations will be taken on a first-come-first-serve basis.

The onsite office is located at 1277 San Elijo Road S., San Marcos, CA 92078. For more information, contact Liz McCardle at [email protected] or call (760) 798-9015.

Car Burglaries

It has been brought to the Association’s attention that car burglaries and vandalism are on the rise in San Elijo Hills. We found great resources on Here are some tips off of their website:

Help Prevent Vehicle Theft
Car thieves, like home burglars, look for easy targets. Car owners obligingly leave doors unlocked, windows open, or their keys in the vehicle. Criminals usually DO NOT want to be seen, heard, or take an excessive amount of time to break in.

□ Lock your vehicle
□ Lock your windows
□ Take your keys with you
□ Remove your garage remote
□ Set your alarm
□ Remove number codes from your keys
□ Lock vent windows (trucks)
□ Leave only your ignition key when having your vehicle serviced
□ Remove spare keys hidden on or in your vehicle. Consider a spare key in your wallet
□ Park and lock your vehicles in garages when possible. Remove personal information such as driver license, registration etc, from unattended vehicles.
□ Carry a copy of your registration in your wallet for ease of identification in case of emergency or theft
□ Know your Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
□ Use additional identification methods such as “Data Dots,” engravers, and dye markers
□ Place additional identification marks in several places such as tailgates, spoilers, and under the hood
□ Take a picture of your car with the plate number visible. Etch VIN numbers into all windows.

Help Prevent Vehicle Burglary
Preventing thieves from breaking into your vehicle to steal valuables is very difficult. If you want to protect your personal property, DO NOT leave it in your car.

□ Do not leave purses, wallets, laptops, expensive sun glasses, cell phones and other valuables in
your vehicle
□ Never leave valuables in plain sight
□ Lock all valuables in the trunk or take them with you
□ Remove detachable stereos and faceplates from your vehicle every time
□ Never leave CASH visible.
□ Always lock your doors
□ Always lock your windows
□ Take your keys with you every time
□ Take purses and wallets inside your house after you lock and park your car in your garage
□ When equipment or tools must be kept in a vehicle, use a strong-walled, tamper proof box that can be bolted down and secured with heavy duty locks. Do not assume a box is secure because it is heavy

• Use all the security measures available to you, wherever you park, even in your garage.
• At home, the best place to park is a well secured garage with car doors locked and alarm set. Secure your garage as if you had $20,000.00 cash sitting inside.
• Vehicles are 5 times more likely to be stolen from unattended parking lots than from the street or an attended lot.
• At work and in commercial areas try to park in well-lit areas, close to entrances, and near pedestrian traffic.
• Turn your wheels sharply and apply the emergency brake when parking to deter unauthorized towing.
• Lock your door and windows when parking in your driveway.

No security device is foolproof, but good vehicle security can greatly reduce your chances of becoming a victim. Consider installing at least two of the following security devices on your vehicle.
• Stolen Vehicle Recovery System (SVRS) to assist law enforcement with tracking and recovery.
• A kill switch or cut-off switch (an electrical device that effectively immobilizes the vehicle, even if the ignition has been forced. It prevents electrical current from reaching the coil distributor).
• Alarm devices with visible L.E.D. indicators that activate a siren, horn, lights – or all three.
• Visible L.E.D. alarm indicator
• Fuel switch to prevent fuel from reaching the carburetor.
• Device that attaches to the steering wheel or brake pedal.
• Auxiliary locking devices for window wings, sliding windows, spare tires and the hood.
• Interior hood and trunk releases.
• Locking gas cap.
• Tapered door lock buttons.
• A good quality steering wheel locking device.
• A circular metal band, or “collar” to protect the ignition lock from tampering.
• Self arming and anti code-grabbing alarm features


**This website – San Elijo Life is independent from the developer San Elijo Hills Development Company and the San Elijo Hills Community Association (HOA). The HOA updates are provided as a service to our readership. …Enjoy Life in The Hills.