March 4, 2025

San Marcos Creek District Specific Plan Update

In case you missed it, the San Marcos Creek Oversight Committee met this week on Monday, April 24  to continue reviewing possible updates to the San Marcos Creek Specific Plan. Meeting materials are now available online at

Agenda – April 24, 2017 Framework Principles Presentation
  Retail Market Study Presentation
  Preliminary Conceptual Land Use Alternatives
  Outreach and Engagement Update

About the Specific Plan Update

In 2007, the San Marcos Creek Specific Plan was adopted by City Council and accepted by the community to shape the future of the Creek District into a new downtown area.

Envisioned to pair with the North City (University District) Specific Plan to create a comprehensive downtown in the heart of San Marcos, the 2007 plan included 2,300 dwelling units; more than one million square feet of retail and/or commercial space; 589,000 square feet of office space; a 20-acre park and 74 acres of urban open space.

Beginning in 2015, City Council requested a review of the plan that recognizes a changing economy, new demand for housing options and changing community preferences.  Retail and market realities have changed the dynamic and demand of development in San Marcos since the original Specific Plan was adopted.

Given the loss of redevelopment funds, increase in online marketplaces, and the growth in the San Marcos community over the last ten years, the Creek Specific Plan is being updated to maximize the potential and opportunities of the Creek District while maintaining as much of the original community vision as possible.

Specific Plan Update Process

The Creek Specific Plan will be updated and amended in two phases. The first phase involves updating the vision and land use plan for the Creek District.  The second phase entails amending the technical documents, presentations to the Planning Commission and the City Council, and final adoption anticipated by Summer 2018.

Phase 1, Updating the Vision

Phase 2, Amending the Specific Plan

Stay Informed

Throughout the course of the update there will be multiple ways to get involved and share your feedback:

  • Monthly stakeholder meetings
  • 2 public workshops (dates coming soon)
  • An online survey (under development)