December 22, 2024

Work to update the San Marcos Creek Specific Plan is well underway. Over the past month, the project team and San Marcos Creek Oversight Committee have been focused on developing land use alternatives for the Creek District with the goal of providing balanced and flexible land uses.

The San Marcos Creek Specific Plan Oversight Committee provided a progress report to the San Marcos City Council on Tuesday, June 27 and held its monthly meeting on Monday, July 24.

During the progress report, an overview of the planning effort and latest land use alternatives were presented.

Appointed by City Council, the Oversight Committee is a group of 15 individuals that represent the business community and residents of San Marcos responsible for monitoring the progress of the Specific Plan Update and making recommendations to City Council.

All Oversight Committee meetings are open to the public and community members are welcome to attend. A community workshop is slated for September 19 from 6 to 8 pm at City Hall (see below).

Upcoming key project dates and events include:

  • San Marcos Creek District Oversight Committee Meeting #6
    Monday, August 28 at 6 pm
    Valley of Discovery Conference Room, City Hall
    1 Civic Center Drive, San Marcos

  • Community Workshop #1
    Tuesday, Sept. 19 from 6 to 8 pm (corrected from previous email)
    Council Chambers, City Hall
    1 Civic Center Drive, San Marcos

Project information and materials from the Oversight Committee meetings are available on the city’s project website at