Only 9 Active homes and condos currently for sale in San Elijo Hills averaging 36 days on the market priced from $1,195,000 to $524,700. Not a lot of homes for buyers to choose from and great time to sell your San Elijo Hills home.
In July – 8 homes sold with an average market time of 17 days. The Median sales price was $779,250.
If you are thinking of moving up to a luxury or premium North County home, there tends to be more inventory available in these markets in North County and you may even get a great deal on a home that has been on the market for a while.
Homeowners are building contingency plans into their contracts. This means that the homeowner builds in extra time before they close in order to find their dream home and they are upfront about the contingency with any buyers who come to see the house.
Your home is an oasis to buyers who are searching for homes in today’s San Elijo Hills Market. The right buyers will sympathize and wait for you and your family to find your next home.
Bottom Line
If you are even thinking of listing your home and moving up to a luxury home, let’s get together to evaluate your ability to do so. Homeowners are upgrading their homes, why can’t you?
Please let me know if I can provided an exceptional real estate experience.

Ed Philbrick: REALTOR®
M: 760-496-8134
E: [email protected]
CalBRE # 0196713
Coastal Premier Properties CalBRE # 01861547