March 31, 2025

Cal State San Marcos is looking to add a six-story building and a parking garage for more than 700 cars, a nearly $80 million development slated to go up on vacant land across from a main entrance to the university.The building will house the university’s Extended Learning program, which provides continuing education, accelerated degrees, certificates and customized training programs. The department also coordinates all the international programs and services, such as study-abroad offerings.The project — which also includes a pedestrian bridge to the main campus — still needs final approval from the California State University Board of Trustees, which is expected to consider it in the coming months, according to school officials.“From the university standpoint, all our I’s are dotted and the T’s are crossed. We are optimistic for Board of Trustees approval, but it’s up to them,” said Mike Schroder, dean of the university’s Extended Learning program.If all goes well, the entire project, on the northwest corner of East Barham Drive at Campus Way, should be open for business in the fall of 2019.

READ MORE VIA Source: Cal State San Marcos looking to add building, bridge, parking structure – The San Diego Union-Tribune