March 29, 2025

Advanced Veterinary Care of San Elijo Hills

Public Health Alert—-Flea-borne Typhus

We all know that fleas are irritating to our pets, cause itchiness and skin allergies and are just generally undesirable and challenging to eliminate in the environment. But did you know that fleas also transmit serious diseases to humans, such as Typhus and Plague? 

We are writing to alert you to a recent, local increase in Typhus cases reported by Los Angeles Public Health documenting over 100 cases of people who contracted Flea-borne Typhus. Flea-borne typhus is a bacterial disease that infected fleas can spread to humans during a fleabite. Symptoms of Typhus include fever, chills, lethargy, rash and headache. Once diagnosed, the condition can be treated with appropriate antibiotic therapy. It is not spread directly from person to person. 

The health of your family, both human and furry-babies, is our number one concern at Advanced Veterinary Care of San Elijo. Our doctors are recommending the following actions to keep your household safe from flea-borne pathogens: 

Make sure all of your pets receive year round, effective flea medication. This includes strictly indoor pets, who are still at risk for flea exposure. 

Do not leave pet food out that will attract rodents and other wild animals. 

Keep trash in tightly sealed containers. 

Reduce debris and overgrown plants and bushes in your yard.

Address any issues that your property may have with respect to mice, rats, gophers or any stray animals. 

If you would like additional information on the recent Typhus outbreak please visit or ask one of our doctors. 

If your pet is not current on flea control please protect your family and contact our office today to schedule an appointment. AVC doctors can prescribe a flea medication that is safe and effective for your pet and will protect your human family from contracting flea-borne diseases as well. 

Advanced Veterinary Care of San Elijo Hills

Advanced Veterinary Care of San Elijo 

1691 Melrose Dr Suite # 110
San Marcos, CA 92078