March 29, 2025

The time for action is now!  New SDG&E power lines and large steel poles are coming soon through our neighborhoods unless we attend these two April 30th meetings in force!  This is our biggest and nearly final opportunity to communicate our concerns to the CPUC before these power lines and poles are built.  Our goal is to stop SDG&E from building a second set of power lines through our communities and urge them to place these power lines underground.

Tuesday, April 30th from 1 pm – 3 pm at the San Elijo Hills Rec Center, 1105 Elfin Forest Road, San Marcos, CA 92078

Tuesday, April 30th from 6 pm – 8 pm at the San Marcos Community Center, 3 Civic Center Drive, San Marcos, CA 92069

Sign-up here to attend the meetings:

Learn more about SDG&E’s proposed project here:

The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), after 17 months of considering SDG&E’s request to build a new set of 69 kV high voltage transmission lines and large steel poles through our communities, has sent a Notice of Intent to approve the project to the Governor’s Office.  We have 30 days, until May 15 at 5 p.m. to make our voices heard. There are viable alternatives to SDG&E’s proposed 12-mile circuitous route including a direct 5.4-mile underground route which would have no long-term environmental impact, unlike their current proposal.

In summary, the tentatively approved 12 miles above ground circuitous power line route will:
-Increase potential wildfire concerns
-Create unnecessary health risks for our children due to increased EMFs along the 12-mile route
-Decrease our property values (some more than others but we will ALL be impacted)
-Negatively impact habitat for some of our local sensitive species
-Negatively impact the aesthetic nature of our homes and community
-Potentially impact cultural resources buried along the route

The 5.4-mile alternative underground route:
-Has none of the above long-term negative impacts on our communities
-Has unknown financial consequences due to lack of in-depth budget analysis

Commit to attending April 30th. Bring a neighbor, a friend, and pack these hearings. Copy/paste onto local social media pages and sites, and encourage participation in your neighborhood.  Your community needs you!!

Join our FB page to stay up to date on event details: