March 26, 2025

Walters Management Offices-Closures

For the safety of our residents and for the safety of our staff, our offices are closed to any walk-in or public traffic.

Due to the severity of the Coronavirus, we are taking serious measures to contain the potential exposure and spread of the virus. We encourage you to call our office at 760-431-2522 or feel free to email your management team at [email protected] or [email protected]

During this time, please mail all assessment payments as follows:
San Elijo Hills Community Association
c/o Walters Management
Post Office Box 52349
Phoenix, AZ 85072-2349

If you need to pick up a key or FOB for accessing onsite amenities; please contact your Management team to make arrangements to have it mailed to your residence.

This measure will remain in place until April 1, 2020, and maybe extended based on CDC recommendations.

Onsite Office Closure

For the safety of our residents and for the safety of our staff, the onsite office will be closed to any walk-in or public traffic.

Due to the severity of the Coronavirus, we are taking serious measures to contain the potential exposure and spread of the virus. You may contact the onsite Community Director, Liz McCardle at [email protected] or 760-798-9015.

The next scheduled architectural committee review meeting is scheduled for April 8, 2020, but maybe postponed based on CDC recommendations. We will make every effort to review plans. All architectural applications and plans can be mailed to 1277 San Elijo Road S, San Marcos, CA 92078.  You may email plans to [email protected]; however, the committee is limited to minor reviews as determined upon submission.

This measure will remain in place until April 1, 2020, and maybe extended based on CDC recommendations.

Friday Night Fever-Adult Only 70’s Disco Party-Canceled

Due to the severity of the Coronavirus, we are taking serious measures to contain the potential exposure and spread of the virus. Therefore this event has been canceled. If you have any questions, please contact Liz McCardle at [email protected].

BunnyPalooza April 4, 2020-Canceled

Due to the severity of the Coronavirus, we are taking serious measures to contain the potential exposure and spread of the virus. Therefore this event has been canceled. If you have any questions, please contact Liz McCardle at [email protected].