January 31, 2025

Today, San Marcos Mayor Rebecca Jones issued a message to the community regarding the City’s response to COVID-19 in a new video. The video and transcript can be viewed here.

Mayor Jones is calling on every single person to become a HERO today by taking four critical steps represented by the acronym H-E-R-O.

1. Help prevent the spread of COVID-19 by following all government orders and guidelines. Everyone in California is required to stay home except to get food, care for a relative or friend, get necessary health care, or go to an essential job.

2. Educate yourself with facts, not rumors. It’s more important than ever to share factual information and not inadvertently spread misinformation. Share official updates from your City, County, State and the CDC.

3. Remain calm. Practice kindness and compassion at home and in the community – even when that means practicing social distancing of at least six feet to keep each other safe.

4. Opt in for emergency alerts. Sign up for E-news Alerts at www.san-marcos.net/alerts. Register for the County’s COVID-19 Text Message Alert System by texting COSD COVID19 to 468-311.

By taking these steps, we can help protect the health and safety of our families, friends, neighbors and our global community.

You can learn more about the City of San Marcos’ response to COVID-19 by visitingwww.san-marcos.net/covid19.