March 26, 2025

Canyon Trail

If you have recently been on the canyon trail, you may have noticed new areas to explore! The Board of Directors arranged for Papayrus plants and Pampas grasses to be cut and cleared to expose the beautiful arroyo area along the trail.  Families are now able to enjoy the natural topography and experience new adventures! Make sure to check it out!

Community Tile Project Update!

Our community tile project is wrapping up! We now have over 1000 tiles returned, and they look absolutely amazing! The deadline to return your tile to A Colorful Universe is officially June 30th.

Please make sure to read the instructions! We are receiving tiles drawn with markers and paints other than what was provided. Many of these materials will burn off when the tile is fired and glazed. For instructions and information on ideas, tips & techniques visit If you have any questions, please contact Liz McCardle at [email protected].

2020 Census

The Census needs a certain number of applicants per Census tract to count in the areas where they live. The link where they can apply directly is: // There is paid training, $21/hr. + $0.58/mi. flexible hours, management positions and other positions up to $23/hr. + mileage in some cases. If you have any questions, please contact Kirsten F, Recruiter/ 2020 Census Bureau: (858) 366-2074.

Support Your Local Businesses!

Don’t forget to order from the town square businesses! Their success is integral to the value of the community, and we need everyone to keep ordering out and helping in any way you can. Please visit with special messages and offers by our local businesses.

Dogs in the Hills

An increase in dogs off leashes has been reported in various neighborhoods, and especially on our beloved trails. While you may have a friendly pet, please consider the affects it may have on other trail users. A child or adult may be startled and ultimately injured from a dog running beyond their owner. Pet owners shall at no times allow pets to run unrestrained in common areas, streets, sidewalks or pathway areas and shall at all times have full and complete control over the animal. Please remember there is a $250 fine from the county (San Diego County Code Sec. 63.0102(b)(2)) for unrestrained pets.

Please pick up after your pets and remind your children to do so as well if they are responsible for the dog-walking duties. Don’t forget those common areas next to homes! Pet waste is probably the #1 complaint amongst our residents, so please be diligent and keep San Elijo Hills looking and smelling beautiful!

Water Conservation Project

Your HOA Board has been hard at work updating our irrigation system and landscape (to increase water conservation while enhancing the aesthetics of the community). This month they met virtually with three irrigation controller companies that can supply us with smart controllers to help with conservation and management. Our irrigation infrastructure is 15-20 years old and this capital improvement will provide substantial water and cost savings to the association. They hope to award the contract in the next couple weeks and get the work done before the summer heat. During the last couple weeks this project team has been focused on town center and getting all the missing trees replaced and the irrigation delivery systems updated as part of our conservation efforts. The next few weeks they will continue to focus on this area and the entrance to the community by updating the plant material which can be placed on drip systems, eliminating our overhead sprays and water waste.


**Since 2006 provides community news, photos, videos, and a directory of resources for residents of San Elijo Hills. The site is independent of the developer and the HOA and is run by local homeowners.