January 23, 2025

Special Board of Directors Meeting
The Board of Directors will be holding a special Board of Directors meeting on July 10, 2020 @ 1:00 pm via remote zoom meeting: meeting ID: 878 6669 9664, Password: 042785.  Agenda items include Board of Directors/officer position reorganization, Landscape Committee appointments, town square camera signage & surveillance policy, and potential board candidate interviews.

Landscape & Irrigation Project Update

The Board of Directors continues to make steady progress on the landscape & irrigation renovations throughout the community. The installation of Hunter smart irrigation controllers is well underway and we are taking advantage of the rebates offered for this upgrade. Our most recent landscape and irrigation upgrades have focused on the beautification of the town center, and water conservation at Duncan Ct, the Summit entry, and the parkways between Duncan Ct and Double Peak Dr. In the next couple months you’ll continue to see work being done in and around the town center and on Double Peak. Additionally, a new tree master plan was adopted by the Board and will be used to replace missing and falling trees in the major thoroughfares of San Elijo Rd, Double Peak Dr, Questhaven Rd & Wild Canyon Dr, and Elfin Forest Rd. We are pleased with the results thus far and progress being made to eliminate waste on the irrigation delivery side of our system by upgrading controllers, converting to drip and more efficient rotors, and adding pressure regulators and check valves. These upgrades will allow us to more accurately budget and anticipate one of our largest expenses – water. if you have any questions about this project, please reach out to management.
Questhaven Park
The Association continues to monitor both San Diego County and City of San Marcos Health Orders, with regard to closures of facilities as it relates to the playground at Questhaven park. At this time, the playground remains closed.  Unfortunately, we have been informed that the caution tape and signs continue to be removed. For the health and safety of our residents, please refrain from utilizing the playground equipment until the County has deemed these areas are safe to reopen. Additionally, as with City maintained parks, the grass and sitting areas at Questhaven park are available for “passive use only” and in accordance with SD County Public Health Order. The use of the park for team sport practices has, and continues to be, strictly prohibited. While enjoying the park, please use caution and maintain social distancing of at least six feet. Residents concerned about groups not adhering to the SD County Public Health Order should contact the San Marcos Sheriff Sub-Station at 760-510-5200. We appreciate your anticipated cooperation. -San Elijo Hills Board of Directors.

**Since 2006 SanElijoLife.com provides community news, photos, videos, and a directory of resources for residents of San Elijo Hills. The site is independent of the developer and the HOA and is run by local homeowners.