March 31, 2025

Click here to find out the status of businesses or activities in San Diego County. 

Cities in San Diego County have been granted permission to start slowly reopening businesses, parks and a variety of other services. In response, the City of San Marcos is making the following updates:

Public Counters

  • Public counters at City Hall and Public Works are currently closed. Staff is available to assist remotely. Contact information is available by department at Departments | San Marcos, CA (
  • Please use caution, maintain social distancing of at least six feet and adhere to all posted health and safety requirements.
  • The Senior Activity Center (SAC) is closed. For information about the senior nutrition program, call (760) 744-5535.
  • In addition, residents can continue to take advantage of our “Virtual City Hall” by engaging with the City online, and via phone, email and the San Marcos City App. Learn more in the tab below.

Parks & Recreation

  • All City parks playgrounds, and parking lots are open.
  • Park hours are 9 a.m. – Sunset. Parking lots will close and lock at sunset unless there are approved Youth Sports Council groups on lit sports fields, where practices may last until 9pm.
  • Civic Center Park hours are 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.
  • Double Peak and Lakeview Park hours are Sunrise to Sunset
  • Beginning Sept. 1 the following San Marcos Tennis Courts and Sports Fields will be opened at new times:

Las Posas Tennis Courts: 7 a.m. – 9 p.m.
Connors Park Tennis Courts: 7 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Sports fields: 9 a.m. – Sunset.  (youth organizations are permitted at some parks until 9 p.m.) 

  • Dog parks hours are 9 a.m. – Sunset 
  • Pickleball and tennis courts are open. The County is allowing play at these courts if used by members of a household or others who can maintain social distance. Please follow the rules that are posted at each court. You can view the rules for each court at
  • Athletic fields will open, but no organized sport play or games will be allowed.
  • Pools, basketball courts and volleyball courts are closed. 
  • Hollandia Skate Park hours are 9 a.m. – 8 p.m.
  • Park restrooms are open and are disinfected on a scheduled routine and as-needed per CDC guidelines.
  • The Corky Smith Gymnasium and the Senior Activity Center (SAC) are closed. For information about the senior nutrition program, call (760) 744-5535.
  • Sunset Park and Bradley Park soccer arenas and Woodland Tennis courts are currently closed.
  • Dog parks are open.
  • You may go outside for exercise if you can keep six feet away from people who are not members of your household.
  • Park visitors are allowed to sit, lie down, and picnic if they practice social distancing.
  • Please avoid groups and crowded outdoor spaces.

Health and Safety Guidelines 

  • All State and County public health-related measures will remain in effect at all City facilities and parks. 
  • Please maintain six feet of social distance and wear a face covering when you come within six feet of anyone outside your household.
  • You can learn more about all of the guidelines in place at

Thank You

As always, the health and safety of the San Marcos community is our top priority. We appreciate your continued efforts to protect yourself and others in our community by making smart, safe choices during this time.