March 12, 2025

SEH Pipeline assessmentWater main breaks are disruptive and expensive and usually occur on pipelines at the end of their useful life. The water pipelines in the San Elijo Hills area have experienced main breaks on relatively new pipe. Most of these breaks have been caused by human error.  

Vallecitos has hired a contractor to perform condition assessments of the water main pipelines in San Elijo Hills to help identify weak spots. This assessment will provide necessary information to determine which pipes require repair, rehabilitation, or full replacement.  By making proactive repairs, Vallecitos will be able to reduce costly main breaks. 

In the near future, you may see Vallecitos and/or contractor trucks in the San Elijo Hills area performing this work. For community members that would like to learn more about this upcoming project, Vallecitos will be hosting Zoom meetings to provide more details.  The first meeting will be hosted on April 27th at 6pm with details below:

Direct link to ZOOM meeting (

Webinar ID: 852 2952 7205
Passcode: 710821 

or Dial: 888 788 0099 (Toll Free) or 877 853 5247 (Toll Free) 

Fact sheet to learn more about the project….