March 3, 2025

Attention hikers and local homeowners: Our views of the natural habit of the San Marcos Landfill are changing. Previously The County of San Diego spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to create a natural habitat to have this landfill blend into the natural landscape. Within the last 2 years, trees have been cut down. Recently large amounts of asphalt has been laid over sage and other natural vegetation. We see bright orange sandbags that have been placed on what used to be a pristine landscape. In an effort to restore our view and protect the natural animal and plant life next to our community, environmentalist Tiffany Boyd-Hodgson will be meeting with the homeowners and hikers. Tiffany is on the water board. Please join us. Hikers, homeowners in the San Elijo Hills and Elfin Forest communities are encouraged to come. Summer Light will have a petition for signatures to voice our concerns to the County. This will take place this Wednesday, August 25 at 3:30. We will be meeting at the south/west corner of the Albertson’s parking lot located on San Elijo Road.

Organized by a local resident- Summer Light contact her at [email protected]

March of 2020
Same area May of 2021