The average home selling in San Elijo Hills is closing for 102% of the listing price in an average of 46 days this is up from just 18 days in August and a low of 11 days in June 2021.
The price per square foot in September was $475, down from $479 in August. Currently, only 12 active homes are for sale in San Elijo Hills, and 18 homes are pending in escrow. With 19 homes selling in September.
San Elijo Hills is highly sought after for its sense of community, schools, trails, and town center restaurants and shops. The low mortgage rates and historically low inventory of homes for sale make for a classic supply and demand issue.
Check out these great homes in San Elijo Hills – San Diego for Sunday, October 24th. Contact me when you’re ready to start your home search.
If you or someone you know is considering making a move, please call/text at 760 496-8134

760-496-8134 (Call/Text)
E: [email protected]
Edward Philbrick: REALTOR Lic #01967137
Corcoran Global Living Lic #02109201