DATE: Saturday, January 15th, 2022
TIME: 9am-12pm
ADDRESS: Near Elfin Forest Reserve in Escondido, CA (actual address given after registration)
DESCRIPTION of the PROJECT: Invasive Plant Removal at Keithley Preserve We will be doing trail maintenance work and invasive plant control at one of the conservancy’s largest and most biologically diverse preserves. Terrain is uneven, but there will be work opportunities in varying degrees of “hardness”. Suitable for kids, not dogs. This event will be in Honor of MLK day of service with NAACP!
ATTIRE: Volunteers will need to wear long pants and sturdy shoes, bring water and sub protection.
TO REGISTER: Please click the link to fill out the form by Friday, Jan 14th, 12pm: https://forms.gle/id29y7HCpFsGhWeq7
What next?: You will receive confirmation details and an address with a map by Friday afternoon!