Voice Your Opinion on Vallecitos’ New Director Division Boundaries
San Marcos, CA – The Vallecitos Water District is governed by a five-member Board of Directors elected for staggered four-year terms, with each director being elected from a specific geographic area of Vallecitos’ service area. Vallecitos’ director division boundaries were last modified in 2016 based on data from the 2010 census.
State law requires Vallecitos to adjust our director division boundaries after each census so that the divisions are approximately equal in population. In adjusting the boundaries, Vallecitos may consider factors like topography; geography; cohesiveness, contiguity, integrity, and compactness of territory; and communities of interest. The new boundaries must be adopted by April 2022 and will take effect with the November 2022 general election.
Though only one public hearing is required by law prior to adopting new boundaries, Vallecitos will conduct the redistricting process via two public hearings to ensure the opportunity for public input:
- Current Status – Staff provided information about the redistricting process at the December 1, 2021, Board meeting. Staff will solicit input about where communities of interest exist and how they can contribute to the building of potential director division boundaries. Two potential new maps are included as part of this press release.
- February 16, 2022, Public Hearing – Based on comments received, Staff may incorporate input to generate additional maps. Staff will record and address any comment letters at the Public Meeting as well as solicit comments and input at the meeting. The maps may follow traditional redistricting criteria including that divisions are contiguous, compact, and follow traditional governmental or community lines and natural/physical contours.
- March 16, 2022, Public Hearing – The final map, which will be made publicly available seven days prior to the hearing, will be presented for approval by Vallecitos’ Board of Directors.
Vallecitos press release February 3, 2022
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Comments may be submitted in writing:
- Via USPS to:
- Electronically to ([email protected]).####About Vallecitos Water District: As an independent, special district, Vallecitos is dedicated to providing water, wastewater, and reclamation services to over 105,000 people in a 45-square-mile area that includes San Marcos; the community of Lake San Marcos; portions of Carlsbad, Escondido, and Vista; and other surrounding unincorporated areas.
Vallecitos Water District Attn: General Manager 201 Vallecitos de Oro San Marcos, CA 92069
Instructions for participating in the public hearings and Staff reports will be posted to the Board Meetings page in advance of each meeting.
Vallecitos anticipates adopting District boundaries at the Board of Directors meeting on March 16, 2022, which will be effective with the November 2022 election