Feb. 7 enrollment opens for TK-12, for current, new, and transfer students
San Marcos, Calif. Feb. 7, 2022. The San Marcos Unified School District (SMUSD) is opening school enrollment for all grades, including Transitional Kindergarten, or TK, for all students actively looking to return or join the award-winning school district.
“We invite the community to discover all San Marcos Unified has to offer,” said SMUSD Superintendent, Dr. Andy Johnsen. “As an award-winning school district, we know many families move to the San Marcos community and surrounding cities to join SMUSD, and we welcome and encourage that.”
SMUSD also believes that by opening school enrollment for all grades and to all students, helps make the process more convenient for parents. “By shifting to an open enrollment date for all students, including those who are looking to transfer into our district, helps provide a more streamlined process for families and staff,” said Dr. Tiffany Campbell, Deputy Superintendent of Educational Services.
New this year to California is the Universal Transitional Kindergarten program announced by Governor Newsom in July of 2021. The goal is to allow all 4-year-olds in California the opportunity to attend TK by the 2025-26 school year. The state is implementing this with a phased-in approach, where each year new groups of children will become age-eligible to enroll in TK, allowing schools to slowly expand their capacity to more students each year. This coming 2022-23 school year, TK is available to children who will have his or her fifth birthday between September 2, 2022 and February 2, 2023.
“We are extremely excited to have the opportunity to continue to expand our TK program to our community and serve our families. Early childhood education is the foundation for a student’s academic development and provides benefits long into the future,” said Dr. Campbell.
SMUSD will offer half-day TK, with a morning option or afternoon option, at every elementary school to students residing in the district. SMSUD will also be accepting requests for inter-district transfer students who are interested in attending an SMUSD school.
For more information on enrollment, please visit: smusd.org/enrollment