March 14, 2025

BOARD BRIEF: Top things to know from the San Marcos Unified Governing Board Meeting

February 17, 2022

The commitment from our Board of Education is to provide our staff, families, and community with clear, open and transparent communication. This Board Brief has been created to share key decisions and outcomes from the Board after each meeting. The Board Brief will be distributed by the end of the week after each Regular Meeting.

The following Board Brief highlights important items from the February 15, 2022 San Marcos Unified School District Governing Board meeting:

1. Superintendent, Dr. Andy Johnsen, provided an update to the Board and community.

Dr. Johnsen began his presentation by sharing an exciting Athletics update highlighting the achievements of both San Marcos High School and Mission Hills High School. He also announced San Marcos High School alumnus, Terrell Burgess, recently won the Super Bowl as a player for the LA Rams. 

COVID Update

Dr. Johnsen proceeded to share a COVID update highlighting data from the COVID Dashboard noting the spike in January and that SMUSD is currently down to pre-surge numbers. He also expressed thanks and appreciation to teachers, counselors, and staff for all of their work during the Omicron surge.  

Dr. Johnsen also shared a school masking update, explaining that the outcome of the recent press conference held by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) was not expected. 

“This was a highly-anticipated announcement about the future of masks in schools and I was disappointed to hear that there would be no change,” stated Dr. Johnsen.”I am disappointed because after nearly two years into the pandemic and a lot of COVID fatigue, our families need to know, and we need to know, when or if we can anticipate this change occurring. The most difficult and frustrating part is that we don’t have answers for our staff and families.” 

Dr. Johnsen also highlighted various advocacy efforts taking place in our county to obtain clear timelines from the state, and shared the CDPH’s announcement of another press conference on February 28, 2022 where more information on the state school mask mandate is expected. 

Budget Update

Dr. Johnsen shared that a full second interim budget update is planned for the March Governing Board meeting and further explained the district’s current budget situation. For the past two years school districts across the state have experienced declining enrollment due to the pandemic and to provide temporary relief, the state has been continuing to fund districts based on the 2019-20 school year attendance numbers. The state had also been communicating with districts that beginning in July, 2022, they would be funded on actual attendance and needed to prepare to experience revenue loss accounting for two years of declining enrollment all at once. Due to SMUSD’s loss of 1,200 students over the past two years, SMUSD leadership began planning to make necessary reductions for the 2022-23 school year budget. 

However, SMUSD just received an update from the state that the legislature may give districts more time to prepare for a decline in revenue and that the projected funding decrease for school districts will likely come over a period of several years. While budget adjustments may now take a phased approach, SMUSD must still rightsize staffing and adjust to serving fewer students. For an SMUSD Budget FAQ, please click here. 

Portrait of a Graduate

Dr. Johnsen shared that the work to create a Portrait of a Graduate continues to move forward, which aims to create a portrait of the skills and attributes of every SMUSD student upon graduation. 

“While COVID and budget issues are important to a school district, we must stay focused on our primary mission, that our students are here to get a high-quality education,” said Dr. Johnsen. 

He shared the four competencies that have currently emerged from the group, comprised of teachers, parents, students, elected officials, administrators, and local business representatives, along with the potential graphics to represent the Portrait of a Graduate work. 

For details and updates on our progress, please visit our Portrait of a Graduate webpage here.

Superintendent-Student Advisory Council

Dr. Johnsen shared the launch of the Superintendent-Student Advisory Council, which has been created to cultivate leadership skills amongst students, and provide the Superintendent with input to improve the school experience of all students. Dr. Johnsen also shared that this group would be providing feedback and input in the Portrait of a Graduate process.

2. Future demographics projections & enrollment report. Davis Demographics provided a report to the Governing Board to share trends occurring in the community, and how these trends may affect future student population. 

Demographer Adrian Lopez presented highlights from the 2021-22 school year report and explained the data and methodologies used to generate the projections. Overall, the TK-12 student population for the San Marcos Unified School District is expected to decrease annually for the next seven-year period by -1.63% on average. Lopez specifically noted that SMUSD has been one of the last districts to see this declining enrollment trend, and went on to note that the other districts they work with in San Diego county have been declining for years. 

Additionally, the latest Enrollment Report was shared by Assistant Superintendent Erin Garcia, to monitor the ongoing declining enrollment situation. The report highlighted that SMUSD continues to see enrollment decline, with this month’s report illustrating a decrease of 160 students from this time in the previous school year.

3. Student Board Representative Update. 

In an effort to encourage student participation and cultivate student leadership skills, the Board has three student representatives that participate in Regular Board Meetings throughout the year. The February 16th meeting featured student representatives, Ren Casillas from Twin Oaks High School and Addai Vasquez from Mission HIlls High School.

Casillas’s presentation included an overview of some of the staff who make the Twin Oaks High School campus so special. Casillas specifically highlighted social worker, Mr. Micah, who works with students on tough issues like homelessness, substance abuse, teen parenting, and more. He also shared that Mr. Micah hand delivers food to families every Friday after school. Casillas explained the structure of Twin Oaks as an alternative continuation high school, and all of the students are there for a specific reason that would prevent them from attending a traditional high school. Casillas concluded the presentation with an Athletics update and ASB events update. 

Vasquez’s presentation began by thanking the Governing Board for their dedication and gave each member a Mission Hills spirit pack. He also expressed thanks to his teachers for all of their hard work during the Omicron surge and tackling substitute teacher shortages. Vasquez then provided an overview on school activities including Club Rush, College Signing Day with students committing to universities including Augusta University, UC Santa Barbara, Cal State Fullerton, Brown University, and more. Vasquez also shared the celebration of National School Counselor Week, and shared a Winter Sports update stating that several teams finished the season undefeated.  

4. Principal Update: Twin Oaks Elementary School. 

The Board welcomed the addition of a regularly occurring presentation from school principals in the district as a monthly agenda item. Principal Carmen Madrigal, and Assistant Principal Christy Hussong, provided an update on Twin Oaks Elementary School. The presentation highlighted an overview of the student body and their dual immersion program which allows students to learn in both English and Spanish. The presentation also included an overview of school goals including culture & climate, aligning staff expectations, academic goals including math proficiency, and the 50/50 dual language immersion program. Principal Madrigal concluded the presentation by sharing that they are currently accepting transfers into their dual language program from inside or outside the district, with an information night coming in March.

5. Census and Trustee Area Maps Update

Following each federal census, the Board must ascertain whether adjustments of trustee area boundaries are required, and if so, adopt a revised map to accurately reflect our community and ensure demographic equity for each area.

School districts with trustee area systems are required to review and, if necessary, adjust their trustee area map by March 1, 2022 to ensure population balance. As a result, SMUSD is partnering with Cooperative Strategies and Fagan, Friedman, and Fulfrost to make minor adjustments to the SMUSD Trustee Areas to obtain the needed population balance. 

This presentation outlines how the voting-age population has grown and offers three conceptual options for new trustee area maps. This Trustee Area Map Update is not a school boundary or attendance map, rather this map impacts who can run for the Governing Board, when they can run, and who elects candidates for the Governing Board. 

After moving through the public hearing process, and with thoughtful consideration of all public input received, and applicable state and federal legal criteria, the Board unanimously approved to adopt the Trustee Area Map and demographic information described as the “Trustee Plan Map Option 1” as the adjusted trustee area plan establishing the boundaries for the trustee areas.

6. Gifts to San Marcos Unified School District. 

The Board also approved multiple gifts donated to the district from generous parents, business and community partners. Gifts include donations of 44 plush footballs and 62 small teddy bear sweatshirts, received from The Bud Herbon Company, to be used for incentives for students at San Marcos High School. Gifts also included a donation of over $28,000 from the San Marcos Promise to purchase a Samsung Video Wall Display for the Mission Hills High School Future Center.  

For a complete and detailed overview of any of the items above, please see the full Board Meeting Agenda by clicking here.

For a link to the Board Briefs on the SMUSD website, please click here.

To watch a video of the Board meeting, please click here. 

BOARD BRIEF: Top things to know from the San Marcos Unified Governing Board Meeting

February 17, 2022

The commitment from our Board of Education is to provide our staff, families, and community with clear, open and transparent communication. This Board Brief has been created to share key decisions and outcomes from the Board after each meeting. The Board Brief will be distributed by the end of the week after each Regular Meeting.

The following Board Brief highlights important items from the February 15, 2022 San Marcos Unified School District Governing Board meeting:

1. Superintendent, Dr. Andy Johnsen, provided an update to the Board and community.

Dr. Johnsen began his presentation by sharing an exciting Athletics update highlighting the achievements of both San Marcos High School and Mission Hills High School. He also announced San Marcos High School alumnus, Terrell Burgess, recently won the Super Bowl as a player for the LA Rams. 

COVID Update

Dr. Johnsen proceeded to share a COVID update highlighting data from the COVID Dashboard noting the spike in January and that SMUSD is currently down to pre-surge numbers. He also expressed thanks and appreciation to teachers, counselors, and staff for all of their work during the Omicron surge.  

Dr. Johnsen also shared a school masking update, explaining that the outcome of the recent press conference held by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) was not expected. 

“This was a highly-anticipated announcement about the future of masks in schools and I was disappointed to hear that there would be no change,” stated Dr. Johnsen.”I am disappointed because after nearly two years into the pandemic and a lot of COVID fatigue, our families need to know, and we need to know, when or if we can anticipate this change occurring. The most difficult and frustrating part is that we don’t have answers for our staff and families.” 

Dr. Johnsen also highlighted various advocacy efforts taking place in our county to obtain clear timelines from the state, and shared the CDPH’s announcement of another press conference on February 28, 2022 where more information on the state school mask mandate is expected. 

Budget Update

Dr. Johnsen shared that a full second interim budget update is planned for the March Governing Board meeting and further explained the district’s current budget situation. For the past two years school districts across the state have experienced declining enrollment due to the pandemic and to provide temporary relief, the state has been continuing to fund districts based on the 2019-20 school year attendance numbers. The state had also been communicating with districts that beginning in July, 2022, they would be funded on actual attendance and needed to prepare to experience revenue loss accounting for two years of declining enrollment all at once. Due to SMUSD’s loss of 1,200 students over the past two years, SMUSD leadership began planning to make necessary reductions for the 2022-23 school year budget. 

However, SMUSD just received an update from the state that the legislature may give districts more time to prepare for a decline in revenue and that the projected funding decrease for school districts will likely come over a period of several years. While budget adjustments may now take a phased approach, SMUSD must still rightsize staffing and adjust to serving fewer students. For an SMUSD Budget FAQ, please click here. 

Portrait of a Graduate

Dr. Johnsen shared that the work to create a Portrait of a Graduate continues to move forward, which aims to create a portrait of the skills and attributes of every SMUSD student upon graduation. 

“While COVID and budget issues are important to a school district, we must stay focused on our primary mission, that our students are here to get a high-quality education,” said Dr. Johnsen. 

He shared the four competencies that have currently emerged from the group, comprised of teachers, parents, students, elected officials, administrators, and local business representatives, along with the potential graphics to represent the Portrait of a Graduate work. 

For details and updates on our progress, please visit our Portrait of a Graduate webpage here.

Superintendent-Student Advisory Council

Dr. Johnsen shared the launch of the Superintendent-Student Advisory Council, which has been created to cultivate leadership skills amongst students, and provide the Superintendent with input to improve the school experience of all students. Dr. Johnsen also shared that this group would be providing feedback and input in the Portrait of a Graduate process.

2. Future demographics projections & enrollment report. Davis Demographics provided a report to the Governing Board to share trends occurring in the community, and how these trends may affect future student population. 

Demographer Adrian Lopez presented highlights from the 2021-22 school year report and explained the data and methodologies used to generate the projections. Overall, the TK-12 student population for the San Marcos Unified School District is expected to decrease annually for the next seven-year period by -1.63% on average. Lopez specifically noted that SMUSD has been one of the last districts to see this declining enrollment trend, and went on to note that the other districts they work with in San Diego county have been declining for years. 

Additionally, the latest Enrollment Report was shared by Assistant Superintendent Erin Garcia, to monitor the ongoing declining enrollment situation. The report highlighted that SMUSD continues to see enrollment decline, with this month’s report illustrating a decrease of 160 students from this time in the previous school year.

3. Student Board Representative Update. 

In an effort to encourage student participation and cultivate student leadership skills, the Board has three student representatives that participate in Regular Board Meetings throughout the year. The February 16th meeting featured student representatives, Ren Casillas from Twin Oaks High School and Addai Vasquez from Mission HIlls High School.

Casillas’s presentation included an overview of some of the staff who make the Twin Oaks High School campus so special. Casillas specifically highlighted social worker, Mr. Micah, who works with students on tough issues like homelessness, substance abuse, teen parenting, and more. He also shared that Mr. Micah hand delivers food to families every Friday after school. Casillas explained the structure of Twin Oaks as an alternative continuation high school, and all of the students are there for a specific reason that would prevent them from attending a traditional high school. Casillas concluded the presentation with an Athletics update and ASB events update. 

Vasquez’s presentation began by thanking the Governing Board for their dedication and gave each member a Mission Hills spirit pack. He also expressed thanks to his teachers for all of their hard work during the Omicron surge and tackling substitute teacher shortages. Vasquez then provided an overview on school activities including Club Rush, College Signing Day with students committing to universities including Augusta University, UC Santa Barbara, Cal State Fullerton, Brown University, and more. Vasquez also shared the celebration of National School Counselor Week, and shared a Winter Sports update stating that several teams finished the season undefeated.  

4. Principal Update: Twin Oaks Elementary School. 

The Board welcomed the addition of a regularly occurring presentation from school principals in the district as a monthly agenda item. Principal Carmen Madrigal, and Assistant Principal Christy Hussong, provided an update on Twin Oaks Elementary School. The presentation highlighted an overview of the student body and their dual immersion program which allows students to learn in both English and Spanish. The presentation also included an overview of school goals including culture & climate, aligning staff expectations, academic goals including math proficiency, and the 50/50 dual language immersion program. Principal Madrigal concluded the presentation by sharing that they are currently accepting transfers into their dual language program from inside or outside the district, with an information night coming in March.

5. Census and Trustee Area Maps Update

Following each federal census, the Board must ascertain whether adjustments of trustee area boundaries are required, and if so, adopt a revised map to accurately reflect our community and ensure demographic equity for each area.

School districts with trustee area systems are required to review and, if necessary, adjust their trustee area map by March 1, 2022 to ensure population balance. As a result, SMUSD is partnering with Cooperative Strategies and Fagan, Friedman, and Fulfrost to make minor adjustments to the SMUSD Trustee Areas to obtain the needed population balance. 

This presentation outlines how the voting-age population has grown and offers three conceptual options for new trustee area maps. This Trustee Area Map Update is not a school boundary or attendance map, rather this map impacts who can run for the Governing Board, when they can run, and who elects candidates for the Governing Board. 

After moving through the public hearing process, and with thoughtful consideration of all public input received, and applicable state and federal legal criteria, the Board unanimously approved to adopt the Trustee Area Map and demographic information described as the “Trustee Plan Map Option 1” as the adjusted trustee area plan establishing the boundaries for the trustee areas.

6. Gifts to San Marcos Unified School District. 

The Board also approved multiple gifts donated to the district from generous parents, business and community partners. Gifts include donations of 44 plush footballs and 62 small teddy bear sweatshirts, received from The Bud Herbon Company, to be used for incentives for students at San Marcos High School. Gifts also included a donation of over $28,000 from the San Marcos Promise to purchase a Samsung Video Wall Display for the Mission Hills High School Future Center.  

For a complete and detailed overview of any of the items above, please see the full Board Meeting Agenda by clicking here.

For a link to the Board Briefs on the SMUSD website, please click here.

To watch a video of the Board meeting, please click here.