January 30, 2025
SAN ELIJO HILLS COMMUNITY YARD SALE! September 10th AND September 17th!
The San Elijo Hills Community Association is hosting our annual community-wide yard sale!   All residents are welcome to participate in this FREE event! 

This year we will split the community into twosections (North and South).  This will allow residents to shop and participate in the sale! SEPTEMBER 10th (NORTH)SEPTEMBER 17th  (SOUTH)Directional signage will be placed out the morning of the sale to the individual neighborhoods. Please note, there will be NO MAPS distributed indicating which individuals homes are participating.

Gates for Promontory Ridge, Saverne/Azure, Westcliffe, The Summit and The Estates will be held open from 7am to 5pm; all other neighborhoods, please check with your community regarding access.
Please feel free to add additional signage in the community after 8PM the night before so long as it is  removed promptly after the event.

*This website – San Elijo Life is independent of the developer San Elijo Hills Development Company and the San Elijo Hills Association. HOA updates are provided as a service to our readership. …Enjoy Life in The Hills.