A public (In-Person) workshop notice and conceptual plans for the proposed San Elijo Montessori Preschool have been posted on the City’s website.
The Public Workshop is an opportunity for the applicant to present the project to the community and for the city and applicant to receive community comments/feedback. This is not a meeting to make a determination on the project. A Planning Commission meeting for this project will be determined at a later time and will be set-up once the project can be deemed complete by City staff.
Please feel free to attend the Public Workshop, which will be held on August 17 from (6 p.m. to 8 p.m.) in the San Marcos Community Center Main Hall meeting room in the Parks and Recreation building located at 3 Civic Center Drive, San Marcos, CA. 92069. See the link for further details. https://www.san-marcos.net/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/11231/1003?curm=8&cury=2023