In September 2023, the average selling price for homes in San Elijo Hills stood at $1,433,000, with properties typically closing at 97.4% of their listing price. The average time a property spent on the market during September was just 29 days.
The cost per square foot in September averaged $549. Presently, there are only 14 homes available for sale in San Elijo Hills, while 10 homes are in pending status within escrow, and 5 homes successfully sold in September.
If you’re considering selling your home in San Elijo Hills, it’s an opportune moment due to the limited competition, and you can keep track of your property’s current value and explore strategies to build wealth with your real estate investments or vacation home using Homebot or Call/Text/DM Ed Philbrick at 760 496 8134.

If you or someone you know is considering making a move, please call/text Ed Philbrick at 760 496-8134 or Book Consultation Online
E: [email protected]
Edward Philbrick: REALTOR -20 year resident of San Eljo Hills Lic #01967137 Coastal Premier Properties Lic #01882160