March 26, 2025

The Importance of Veterinary Preventative Medicine

Veterinary Preventative Medicine refers to medical steps taken to monitor health and prevent diseases, rather than treating disease once it occurs.  The goal is to detect health issues early when they are the most manageable, while promoting wellness through illness prevention and good husbandry. 
Some key components of Veterinary Preventative Medicine Include:

  1. Veterinary Wellness Visits: Regular veterinary checkups allow your pet’s veterinarian to examine your pet for signs of illness, disease, and discomfort.  Regular checkups (Yearly for young-adult pets and every 6 months for seniors) also allow the veterinarian to monitor your pet for changes over time.
  2. Wellness Laboratory Screening: A critical component to health monitoring involves standard laboratory testing, especially blood and urine screens.  These tests can reveal indicators of disease and illness before your pet ever “shows” signs of illness.  More extensive screening for pets also includes blood pressure testing, EKG Screenings, Xrays, and even abdominal screening ultrasounds.
  3. Vaccinations: Vaccines are essential in protecting animals from infectious disease, some of which are considered fatal in the majority of cases.
  4. Parasite Control: Preventative measures against parasites such as fleas, ticks, internal parasites, and heartworms are vital. These parasites can cause significant health problems and transmit diseases to both animals and humans.
  5. Nutrition and Weight Management: Proper nutrition and maintaining a healthy weight are fundamental aspects of preventative care. During your pet’s wellness exam, the veterinarian will evaluate your pet’s weight and make recommendation for change, if necessary.
  6. Dental Care: Regular dental check-ups and cleanings help prevent dental diseases, which can lead to more serious health issues if left untreated.
  7. Behavioral Health: Addressing behavioral issues early can prevent them from becoming more severe. Sudden behavior changes can often be a sign of illness or pain, so monitoring behavior and reporting changes to your veterinarian can be an important part of health monitoring.  For behavior changes unrelated to health issues, Veterinarians can offer advice and training resources to help modify behaviors.

Benefits of Preventative Veterinary Care

  • Improved Quality of Life: Animals that receive regular preventative care tend to live longer, healthier, happier lives.
  • Early Diagnosis of Illness and Disease:  Early detection of disease through regular preventative visits means earlier intervention.  This can mean treatments start sooner leading to earlier relief of symptoms, often greater longevity, or even a cure.
  • Cost-Effective: Preventing diseases is often more cost-effective than treating them after they occur.

In our mission of helping our patients live longer, happier, healthier lives, the doctors and staff of Advanced Veterinary Care of San Elijo consider preventative care a vital part of pet ownership.  To help with this mission, we are currently proud to once again offer our Healthy for the Holidays Wellness Packages*.  These packages include a thorough veterinary exam and comprehensive labwork (including bloodwork, urine test, and fecal screen) offered at 15% off of our normal prices. 
For clients who want a more in-depth review of their pet’s health additional diagnostics including Chest X-rays, EKG, and even an abdominal ultrasound screening can be added on also at 15% off!
*Packages intended for wellness screenings only.  Does not apply to pets with significant medical concerns.  Discounts end January 31, 2025

If you are interested in giving your pet the gift of health this holiday season, give us a call at (760) 736-3636!  We look forward to seeing you and your pet this holiday season (and all year ‘round)!

 1691 Melrose Dr. Suite # 110

San Marcos, CA 92078
